Updated: March 21, 2025

Environmental & Land Use Law Section

The Environmental and Land Use Law (ELUL) Section represents a diverse membership with individuals who are often on different sides of an issue, but who are all committed to civil and professional cooperation for the protection and enhancement of shared communities. The ELUL Section provides benefits to members by initiating, implementing, and supporting opportunities for the interchange of ideas surrounding environmental and land use law. To further discussion among members, the ELUL Section hosts an annual midyear CLE conference each spring and Mini-CLEs throughout the year. It also supports law student development by providing scholarships and hosting networking events that create opportunities for law students to meet legal professionals.

The ELUL Section helps members keep up with this rapidly developing area of law. Accordingly, it regularly publishes information and provides access to scholarly analyses of fundamental and emerging environmental and land use law issues. The ELUL Section website contains current, scholarly information on emerging trends in environmental and land use law, including analyses of cases, draft rules, and new statutes that affect this area of practice. During the legislative session, the ELUL Section shares information about bills that are relevant to environmental and land use law as a resource to further collaboration and discussion.

Annual Report  |   Budget  |   Bylaws  |  Year in Review  |  Elections  |   Section Member Resources  |  Legislation  |   Land Use and Environmental Mediation Committee

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Page Navigation

The Environmental & Land Use Law Section offers many resources and benefits for members. On this page you will find information about the section, upcoming events and offerings, as well as information about the section's executive committee.

Upcoming Programs

ELUL Annual Fellowship

Advice for Law Students

Get Involved

Social Media & List Serve

Section Membership Benefits

Executive Committee

Executive Committee Meetings

Upcoming Programs

Application Portal for Executive Committee Elections Open!

Election season is here! If you are interested in applying to serve on your section's executive committee, head over to the Environmental and Land Use Law Section Election Page to see a list of open positions and how to apply.

If you have any questions, please email sections@wsba.org.


NEW In-Person and Webcast! 2025 Environmental and Land Use Law Section Midyear Meeting & Conference

Register for In-Person or Virtual Now!

Presented in partnership with the WSBA Environmental and Land Use Law Section

Join us in-person or remotely for the Environmental and Land Use Law Midyear from May 8-9, 2025. We will be in beautiful Union at the Alderbrook Resort & Spa this year as well as broadcasting live online. Hear from practitioners from around the state speaking on crucial topics such as legislative and federal case updates, Indian water rights, the CCA, the SEP fund, land issues in eastern Washington, exactions, ISGP and derelict vessels, and environmental justice.

When: May 8-9, 2025

Where: Alderbrook Resort & Spa, 10 E Alderbrook Dr, Union, WA 98592-9426

1.00 Ethics
9.75 Law & Legal Procedure

For more information, visit the CLE Store: In-person or Virtual

Environmental and Land Use Law Section Executive Committee Midyear Meeting

The Environmental and Land Use Law Section Executive Committee will be having an executive committee meeting that's open to the public during their midyear conference. For more information, please visit the calendar event.


ELUL Section 2025 Midyear Conference Scholarships

The Environmental and Land Use Law Section of the WSBA has $2,000 in scholarships for up to five 2025 ELUL Midyear Conference costs and expenses. The ELUL Midyear Conference will be held May 8-9, 2025, at the Alderbrook Resort & Spa in Union, WA. Scholarships may be used for remote conference registration.

Eligible applicants will meet the following requirements:

  1. Work in public interest or public service (i.e., non-profit (501(c)(3)), or local, state or federal government);
  2. Work in Washington State;
  3. Practice in the field of environmental and/or land use law; and
  4. Be a current member of the WSBA ELUL Section (membership may be established any time prior to scholarship applications submittal).

How to Apply

Entrants should submit a short (one page or less) cover letter with their contact information and a brief statement to show compliance with the eligibility criteria for this scholarship. Entries should be in PDF format. Entrants must submit their entry by email to jpilgrim82@gmail.com, with the subject line "WSBA 2025 ELUL Midyear Scholarship." Entries must be received on or before 5 p.m. PDT on April 1, 2025.


Successful applicants will be selected at the discretion of an ELUL Executive Committee subcommittee. Awardees will be notified by April 9, 2025, and must confirm acceptance of the award (including intent to register for the conference) by April 16, 2025. Registration will be processed using scholarships funds, with the remaining amount awarded for other qualifying expenses upon submittal of receipts after the conference.

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Follow Us on Social Media and our List Serve!

Come follow the Environmental and Land Use Law Section social media accounts and list serve.

ELUL Facebook

ELUL LinkedIn

To join the section list serve or for general section questions, please send your email address and bar number to sections@wsba.org. For more information and to get involved with the section, please contact Section Chair, Martha Wehling. The ELUL Section is on Facebook and LinkedIn; please follow us to receive the most recent updates.

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ELUL's Annual Fellowship for Students

Check here for information about ELUL Section's Annual Fellowship.

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Advice for Law Students

The Environmental and Land Use Law Section Executive Committee has put together a collection of advice for law students. We hope you find this compilation of reflections and advice to be helpful as you navigate through the unique challenges of this unprecedented moment in history.

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Get Involved!

Are you interested in speaking at a CLE seminar or in helping to organize a CLE? The section is always looking for ideas, speakers, and volunteers. To propose topics and speakers for our mini-CLEs, please contact an ELUL Executive Committee member. To propose topics, speakers, or co-chairs for the ELUL's Annual Midyear Seminar, please contact Tom Wilcox. Co-chairs are selected in the fall of each year, and typically begin planning the next year’s Midyear Seminar toward the end of each current year.

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The Benefits of Membership

The ELUL Blog

In 2020, ELUL shifted from a newsletter format to publication of articles on a blog. The blog is a free resource that provides updates and in-depth articles on cases, draft rules, new statutes, and other topics relevant to environmental and land use law practitioners. A host of talented and dedicated lawyers donate their time to make this publication the great success it is.

Spring 2017  â”‚  Summer 2016  â”‚  Spring 2016  │  November 2015  â”‚  August 2015  â”‚  February 2015

Archived issues are available to section members upon request. To request an issue, please email sections@wsba.org.

Midyear Seminar

Every year, the Section hosts a meeting that features a two-day CLE in a resort area in the state. The CLE program is carefully vetted through the Executive Committee to ensure that top-quality presentations focus on timely topics of current utility and interest to environmental and land use law practitioners. As most of us have practices that delve into the realms of both land use and environmental law, the CLE allows us to get up to date on both areas of the law. Again, opportunities abound to network in a relaxed atmosphere ideal for forging new friendships and working relationships. We work hard to keep the cost as low as possible for our members and provide scholarships to qualified individuals. Contact Jason Foust, Michelle Furrer, and Rachel Sinsheimer to propose topics or speakers. Your dues make this possible.


The Section provides its members with low-cost mini-CLEs to coincide with significant cases and topics relevant to environmental and land use practitioners. Please watch social media, the ELUL list serve, and this website for upcoming mini-CLEs, and please contact Jason Foust to propose topics or speakers. Your dues make this possible. 

Sponsoring Law School Students in Internships

The Section helps sponsor internships in the fields of land use and environmental law to deserving law students at the three law schools in Washington. The Executive Committee believes it is important for the Section to help students find their way into practice areas that are highly specialized and in which it is sometimes difficult to find relevant experience. We hope that by helping law students in internships, we will help grow the highly skilled lawyers of the future. Your dues make this possible.

Special Projects

Giving back to the community is important. The Executive Committee in the past several years has developed a high school curriculum for Law Day specifically geared toward environmental and land use law, undertaken a project on sustainability of law office practices, and hosted numerous free brown bags on topics of interest such as I-297 and the Endangered Species Act. We have also sponsored Earth Day and Habitat for Humanity Work Days. Your dues make this possible.

Scholarship Information

The WSBA Environmental and Land Use Law Section solicits donations from law firms and section members to fund scholarships for its midyear meeting and conference held each spring. Scholarships serve an educational and charitable purpose by helping attorneys and law students attend the midyear conference and CLE who would not otherwise be able to attend.

Please Donate to the Scholarship Fund

To contribute to the ELUL Section Scholarship Fund, please donate online or contact the Washington State Bar Foundation. Donations are fully tax deductible.

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Executive Committee 

Chair: Darren Carnell (2024-2025)

Chair-Elect: Jason Foust (2024-2025)

Immediate Past Chair: Martha Wehling (2024-2025)

Secretary: Dylan Stonecipher (2024-2025)

Treasurer: Elizabeth Anderson (2024-2025)

Young Lawyer LiaisonKaty O'Keefe (2024-2026)

Board of Governors Liaison*: Jordan Couch (2024-2025)

*Nonvoting member


At-Large Members:
Gabrielle Gurian (2022-2025)
Nicolas Sweeney (2022-2025)
Rachel Sinsheimer (2022-2025)
Dylan Stonecipher (2023-2026)
Jessica Pilgrim (2023-2026)
Allyson Bazan (2024-2027)
Elizabeth Anderson (2024-2027)

Blog Editors*: 
Derek Gauthier
Chris Pierce-Wright
Noah Mikell

Legislative Updates*:
Allyson Bazan
Gabrielle Gurian

Mini-CLE Planning: TBD (2024-2025)

Website, Communications, and Blog Editorial Board Liaisons*: TBD


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Executive Committee Meetings

The WSBA ELUL Executive Committee generally conducts meetings via Zoom video conference the second Wednesday of each month at 3:30 p.m. Please see the event calendar for exact time and Zoom link.

See the ELUL Executive Committee Meeting Minutes page to see archived meeting minutes.

For more information about the Executive Committee members, check out their biographies.

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