Updated: Jan. 31, 2025

Licensure Pathways Implementation Steering Committee

In March 2024, The Washington Supreme Court adopted in concept recommendations of the Washington Bar Licensure Task Force for creating additional pathways to obtaining license to practice law in Washington. Pathways include law-graduate apprenticeship, law-school experiential pathways, APR 6 law clerk apprenticeship, and alternative assessments and interventions established lawyers. The Washington Supreme Court directed the Washington State Bar Association to convene the Licensure Pathways Implementation Steering Committee to propose rule changes and identify next steps to implement the recommendations.

The Steering Committee's role is to provide high-level direction and decision-making for the implementation of new licensure pathways. Subcommittees created by the Steering Committee conduct research and draft specific policies. The Steering Committee exercises final authority to approve or reject subcommittee proposals.

Steering Committee Charter

Washington Bar Licensure Task Force

Washington Supreme Court Order on Task Force Recommendations

Steering Committee Members

The Licensure Pathways Steering Committee is composed of the following 18 people drawn from entities and communities affected by new pathways to lawyer licensing in Washington state:

Tom Ahearne, WSBA Board of Governors

Jordan Couch, WSBA Board of Governors

Greg Crowder, Law Student, Seattle University School of Law

Alfredo González Benítez, Consumer Protection Representative

Judge Cathy Helman, Board of Bar Examiners

Vivian Hernández, Law Student, University of Washington School of Law

Dusty Weber LaMay, Access to Justice

Dr. Lori Larsen, Character and Fitness Board

Dean Tamara Lawson, University of Washington School of Law

Julia McGann, Consumer Protection Representative

Justice Raquel Montoya-Lewis, Washington Supreme Court

Terra Nevitt, WSBA Executive Director

Judge Leone Reinbold, Law Clerk Board

Prof. Zaida Rivera, Committee Chair

Dean Jacob Rooksby, Gonzaga Law School

Serena Sayani, At-Large Member

Yuriko Hannali Styles, Law Clerk

Dean Anthony Varona, Seattle University Law School

Steering Committee Meetings

Next meeting: 1–3:30 p.m. Monday, Feb. 3, 2025

This meeting will be held remotely via Zoom videoconferencing

Join the Zoom meeting.

Call in: 253-205-0468
Meeting ID: 856 9836 1436 || Passcode: 459006

Meeting Agenda and Materials

Learn More about Pathways

Find more information here about current and future pathways to licensure.

Contact Us

For questions or to send comments, please email Chief Regulatory Counsel Renata de Carvalho Garcia or Assistant General Counsel Catherine Schur.