Updated: June 10, 2024

Pathways to Licensure Steering Committee

The Washington Supreme Court on March 15, 2024, adopted in concept the recommendations of the Washington Bar Licensure Task Force regarding graduate apprenticeship, law school experiential pathways, APR 6 law clerk apprenticeship, alternative assessments and interventions, and reciprocity for candidates from certain other states. The Supreme Court directed the Washington State Bar Association to convene a Pathways to Licensure Steering Committee to propose rule changes and identify next steps necessary to implement the recommendations. The Steering Committee is composed of 17 people drawn from the entities and communities impacted by new pathways to lawyer licensing Washington state.

The role of the Steering Committee is to provide high-level direction and decision-making for the implementation process. The Steering Committee will create subcommittees to conduct research and draft specific policies, select subcommittee members, and monitor subcommittee activities as liaisons. The Steering Committee will have the final authority to approve or reject subcommittee proposals.

Members of the Steering Committee are being selected. The 17 members will include:

  • A representative of the Washington Supreme Court
  • Deans of each of Washington’s three law schools — Gonzaga University School of Law, Seattle University School of Law, and University of Washington School of Law
  • WSBA Executive Director Terra Nevitt
  • A representative of the Washington Board of Bar Examiners
  • Two members of the WSBA Board of Governors
  • A representative of the WSBA Law Clerk Board admitted to practice law through the APR6 Law Clerk Program
  • A member of the WSBA Character and Fitness Board
  • Two law students currently attending a Washington law school
  • A current participant in the WSBA Law Clerk Program
  • Two people with significant consumer protection experience
  • Two at-large members licensed to practice law in Washington

The Washington State Bar Association is seeking applicants for the following positions:

  • Two people with significant consumer protection experience
  • Two at-large members licensed to practice law in Washington (one of whom will be appointed to serve as Steering Committee chair).

If interested please email the following documents to barleaders@wsba.org by 5 p.m. June 28. Late submissions may not be considered.

The Washington State Bar Association welcomes applicants from underrepresented and marginalized communities. The Bar also seeks to include committee members who will contribute unique viewpoints based on, for example, geographic location, practice area, practice size and type, or path to admission as a Washington lawyer. Ideally, the Steering Committee collectively should possess experience and aptitude with policy development, data analysis, legal education, and project management. Members should be highly involved with the entity or community they represent.

For questions or to send comments, please email WSBA Executive Director Terra Nevitt or Chief Regulatory Counsel Renata de Carvalho Garcia.