Updated: July 9, 2024

Advertising in Washington State Bar News Magazine

Washington State Bar News
 is the official publication of the Washington State Bar Association. Each issue is mailed to more than 35,000 active members of WSBA across the state and beyond. It is the only publication that reaches 100% of Washington's active licensed legal practitioners.

To discuss advertising opportunities or receive a media kit, contact Ronnie Jacko of Big Red M at ronnie.jacko@bigredm.com or call 503-445-2234.

LLM Publications handles the following types of ads for Bar News:

  • Bar News Display Ads
  • Bar News Announcements. Announcements are text-only ads found in the back of the magazine. Typically, they announce a new hire, change of address, or special message from your firm.
  • Bar News Professionals (WSBA members only)

Space reservation deadline is the first of each month for the issue following, e.g. Jan. 1 for the February issue.

Bar News Classified Advertising

Classified ads for space available, services, etc. run in each issue of Bar News. Space reservation deadline is the first day of each month for the issue following, e.g., Jan. 1 for the February issue. Classifieds cannot be cancelled after the deadline.

Classified Ad Rates

WSBA Members: $50/first 50 words; $1 each additional word
Non-members: $60/first 50 words; $1 each additional word
Blind-box number service: $12 (responses will be forwarded)

How to Submit Classified Ads:

Email your classified ad to classifieds@wsba.org.

For your privacy, we cannot accept credit card information via email or fax. Payment options:

    Via credit card: You can call the WSBA at 206-443-9722 to give your credit card information over the phone. Please email your ad to classifieds@wsba.org and let us know that you have called in your credit card information.

    Please note: Our service provider will charge you a separate, non-refundable transaction fee of 2.5% on all bank card transactions. There is no transaction fee if you mail in your check.

    Via check by mail: Mail this form with your check. Send checks (payable to "WSBA") to: Washington State Bar News,  1325 Fourth Ave., Suite 600, Seattle, WA 98101-2539. Please email your ad to  classifieds@wsba.org and let us know that you have sent your check.

Position Available Ads

Positions available postings are now available online only, in our Career Center. You can post a job online at any time — postings go live within about an hour, 24/7.