Updated: Oct. 9, 2024

2025 License Fee Details

License Fees must be paid online or postmarked by Feb. 3, 2025*.

Status & Admission Date
Earliest admission date to ANY bar
2025 License Fee + Mandatory CPFTotal to Remit30% Late Fee*Total to Remit
Active Lawyer — Admitted prior to 2023$458 + $20$478$137.40$615.40
Active Lawyer — Admitted 2023 or 2024$229 + $20$249$68.70$317.70
Active LLLT — Admitted prior to 2023$229 + $20$249$68.70$317.70 
Active LLLT — Admitted in 2023 or 2024$114.50 + $20$134.50$34.35$168.85 
Active LPO — Admitted prior to 2023$200$200$60$260
Active LPO — Admitted in 2023 or 2024$100$100$30$130 
Inactive/Pro Bono Status** Lawyer$200$200$60$260
Inactive/Pro Bono Status** LLLT or LPO$100$100$30$130

*The late fee will be assessed if checks and credit card payments submitted on time do not clear by the deadline.

**Starting with the 2021 licensing year, the license fee will be waived for pro bono status members who completed at least 30 hours of pro bono service with one or more Qualified Legal Services Provider(s) in the prior year.

The portion of the license fee not deductible from federal income tax because it is allocable to WSBA lobbying expenditure is $6.37 (Public Law 103-066).

Payment Options: 1) Credit card (note that our service provider will charge you a separate, non-refundable transaction fee of 2.5% on all bank card transactions), 2) Electronic Funds Transfer (online only – no transaction fee), or 3) Check payments should be sent with invoice from online renewal to Washington State Bar Association, LB 1035, P.O. BOX 35143, Seattle, WA 98124-5143 – no transaction fee.

Optional Charitable Donation to the Washington State Bar Foundation
Your annual license renewal includes an optional charitable donation to the Washington State Bar Foundation to champion justice through support of WSBA’s pro bono and public service, and diversity, equity and inclusion programs. To opt out or donate a different amount, follow the instructions in the online license renewal.

Optional Charitable Donation to the Campaign for Equal Justice
Your annual license renewal includes an optional charitable donation to Campaign for Equal Justice to support more than 50 civil legal aid programs serving families experiencing poverty. To opt out or donate a different amount, follow the instructions in the online license renewal.

2024 License Fees