Updated: Feb. 7, 2025

Market Your Section!

Sections Q&A Marketing 

The Washington State Bar Association invites your Section to fill out this Q&A to be featured on our official LinkedIn and Facebook accounts to showcase your Section to 6,400+ legal professionals. Please answer any or all the questions below and email your responses to our Communications Coordinator, Connor Luk, connorl@wsba.org.

What are some common pieces of positive feedback you hear from members of your Section? 

What types of unique benefits come with joining your Section? Are there benefits to Sections that aren’t available elsewhere?

What is your Section currently working on, or a recent accomplishment that you're most excited about?

Are there any hidden benefits to Section membership that you want to highlight—things that someone might not expect if they're unfamiliar with Sections?

Does your Section offer networking and/or mentoring opportunities?

Video Marketing

Video marketing is growing increasingly popular year over year with apps such as TikTok and Instagram at the forefront. However, there is always room for videos on the WSBA official social media channels of Facebook, LinkedIn, and YouTube.

The Washington State Bar Association invites you to create a 60-second or less video using your smartphone and answering one of the questions below.

What are the top three things about your section? 

What types of unique benefits come with joining your Section? Are there benefits to Sections that aren’t available elsewhere?

Are there any hidden benefits to Section membership that you want to highlight—things that someone might not expect if they’re unfamiliar with Sections?   

3 Simple Steps for Creating Your Video

  1. Start with a Hook (approx. 8 seconds)
    Start with a statement or introduction to your Section.
    Example: “Here’s how [Section Name] is making an impact!” 
  2. Showcase Key Points (approx. 40 seconds)
    Highlight two or three key accomplishments or benefits. 
    Use quick clips, photos, or text overlays.  Example: “Benefits include CLEs, networking, our section Newsletter filled with high quality articles!” 
  3. End with a Call-to-Action (approx. 10 seconds) 
    Close with a strong message.  Example: “Consider joining the [Section Name] to network and grow your career!” Keep it engaging and concise!

Tips & Tricks

Create your video in a low noise environment and speak clearly. 

Consider using a smart phone tripod or propping your phone up so it does not move or shake during your video.  Test out your lighting and background and use which gets you the best-looking footage.

Once your video is created email it to connors@wsba.org. If your file is too large for an email please use our WSBA Dropbox. If you have any questions please email Connor Luk, our communications coordinator, at connors@wsba.org.   

View Section Stories Videos Here.