Close to 2,000 grievances are filed with the WSBA each year against licensed legal professionals. When it happens to you, it can be stressful. Anger, self-doubt, and anxiety about the outcome are common emotional responses to learning about a grievance, regardless of whether it appears to be well-founded. Though meritless grievances are promptly dismissed, those alleging serious professional misconduct can lead to public disciplinary proceedings and ultimately sanctions. That possibility is understandably fraught when one considers what it takes to attain a professional license, establish a practice, and sustain a career. Legal professionals in this situation may be concerned for their livelihood and reputations. For some, this may prompt a severe emotional response, including suicidal thinking.
As mental health professionals dedicated solely to serving legal professionals, our clinicians understand the stress and are here to help. Your consultation with us is confidential and privileged against disclosure, just like seeing a provider in the community. That confidentiality is even codified in Washington court rules (APR19). Because of our specialized focus on supporting legal professionals, we understand the unique challenges you face and have offered support to hundreds of legal professionals involved in the disciplinary process.
If you would like to consult with us about your situation you can book a Telehealth consultation here or email us at