Your Voice Matters
WSBA depends on member feedback to help us prioritize resources and shape strategic goals. Simply put, we want to know how we are doing, and we want to keep improving as we support your work and uphold the integrity of the legal profession. While we have many program-specific surveys (e.g., the biennial volunteer survey) and other feedback opportunities (e.g., the annual Listening Tour), this webpage contains information about our ongoing member perception survey.
Ongoing Member Perception Survey
In fall 2021, the state bar teamed with the National Business Research Institute (NBRI) to begin an ongoing member perception survey. This survey is email-based and takes the place of the telephone survey we conducted in-house since 2018; with the help of NBRI, we hope to reach more of our membership while providing members with confidence to participate with complete and honest feedback.
Each quarter, NBRI randomly generates a sample of the WSBA membership—with representation from each Congressional District—to participate in the survey. Those members are invited to participate and sent a unique survey link via an email from
Please be on the lookout for this email invitation. You may be selected to participate now or in the future, and your participation matters. NBRI’s interface allows survey takers to remain anonymous, and your feedback will be used by WSBA leaders to make important decisions. The Board of Governor’s Member Engagement Work Group is overseeing the survey logistics and is committed to turning survey results into meaningful action.
We sincerely thank you, in advance, for your participation. If you have questions, please contact us at
Results and Trends
Check here for NBRI’s annual report at the close of each fiscal year; in the interim, we will post quarterly results for the current year.
Fiscal Year 2022
Previous Survey Results
From 2018 to 2020, the WSBA conducted a member perception survey via telephone. We randomly selected about 100 active members each quarter to participate in a 10-minute call conducted by WSBA staff. Here are the results of that previous survey, compiled quarterly and reported anonymously.