Section Stories
What's it like to be a member of a WSBA section? What are the benefits? What do they do? Section members want to tell you in their words why they joined and how it benefited them and their practice.
More videos to come.
Taxation Section
The Taxation Section provides current information on federal and state tax issues that directly affect practitioners in Washington. It gives new attorneys with an interest in tax law an opportunity to meet and discuss mutual areas of concern with established practitioners. The Section assists in proposing and commenting on legislation and administrative rules affecting federal and state tax practice.
Through its website, list serve, and events throughout the year, the Taxation Section provides practical, up-to-date information regarding the Section's committees, activities, and other tax resources.
In accordance with the Section's bylaws, and with the exception of law students, an individual must be an active member of the Bar to join the Taxation Section.
Annual Report | Budget | Bylaws | Year in Review | DEI Committee | Elections | Paths Mentorship Program | Members Only
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Page Navigation
The Taxation Section offers many resources and benefits for members. On this page you will find information about the section, their upcoming events and offerings, as well as information about the sections executive committee.
Upcoming ProgramsDEI CommitteeTaxation Section ScholarshipPaths Mentorship ProgramVolunteer Opportunities | CLE RecordingsMembers OnlyExecutive CommitteeCommittee ChairsCommittee Meetings |
Upcoming Programs
Check back here for the latest in programs and offerings from the Taxation Section.
DEI Committee
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Page
Paths Mentorship Program
The Taxation Section Paths Mentorship Program is now accepting mentors!
Sign up now if you are interested in mentoring new and young tax attorneys. For more information, visit the Paths Mentorship Program page.
WSBA Taxation Section Scholarship Committee
Beginning in 2000, the Washington State Bar Association Taxation Section has been awarding $5,000 in a scholarship each year to an eligible applicant, which are those who have been accepted by, and plan to attend, a Tax L.L.M. program in the following academic year at an accredited United States law school.
The scholarship committee evaluates the following factors in awarding the scholarship: (a) academic record; (b) the demonstrated intent to become an active member of the WSBA Taxation Section upon completion of tax L.L.M.; and (c) financial need for the scholarship.
If you have any interest in joining the Scholarship Committee, please email the current Scholarship Chair, Jennifer Gellner, at
Members Only
Not a member of the Taxation Section? Here's what you're missing!
- Regular blog posts by members of the Taxation Section Executive Committee and members at-large.
- Listing of slide decks from the Taxation Section CLEs.
- Access to the Taxation Section's Newsletter — Taxation News.
To access all the great content offered by the Taxation Section, Join the Section today!
For current members: the Taxation Section will be adding new things to their Members Only section as the year progresses, so check back often for news of the latest new offerings.
CLE Recordings
Antio v. Department of Revenue: A Significant Tax Case with Far-Reaching Implications (posted with permission by Brett Durbin and Aaron C. Johnson, Lane Powell PC, Seattle, WA) Webinar recorded Dec. 12, 2024.
PLEASE NOTE: You will not receive CLE credit for watching this video.
Volunteer Opportunities
John Clynch, Staff Attorney for the Federal Tax Clinic at the University of Washington School of Law, is looking for volunteer attorneys to help with the U.S. Tax Court Calendar on Monday, March 17, 2025. This is the calendar call for cases to be heard that week, and the clinic is there to assist pro se taxpayers with advice on their case. We volunteer attorneys do not represent them but look at their case and give them advice. We may then talk to the IRS attorney with the taxpayer to see if a settlement can be reached. If yes, then that is great. If no, then the taxpayer would go to trial, but your involvement would end. We are asking volunteers to show up at 9 a.m. in case taxpayers show up before the 10 a.m. calendar call. The U.S. Tax Court is located in the Nakamura Federal Courthouse in downtown Seattle on 5th and Madison. Your involvement would likely not last beyond noon. If you are interested and/or have any questions, please contact John Clynch at 206-616.6266 or
In addition to taking on a case, Volunteer Attorneys have the following one-time opportunities via the UW Federal Tax Clinic:
- Assist at Tax Court. The Tax Court Calendar is May 6. You can volunteer to assist a pro se taxpayer trying to resolve their Tax Court case with the IRS. The Federal Tax Clinic is looking for volunteer tax attorneys, enrolled agents,
and CPAs to assist pro se taxpayers who are appearing at U.S. Tax Court on Feb. 1 at Courtroom 4, Nakamura, U.S. Courthouse, 1010 Fifth Ave., Seattle. These are taxpayers that have their trial set for that week and may be seeking advice.
The volunteer will not be representing the taxpayer but can answer questions that the taxpayer may have. Ramon Ortiz-Velez and John Clynch from UW’s Low Income Tax Clinic (“LITC”) will be there. They are asking for
volunteers to show up at 9 a.m. The calendar call takes place at 10 a.m. For most, the time commitment will be about two hours. If you can participate, or want to ask questions about it, please contact John Clynch, Staff Attorney at the Federal
Tax Clinic, at 206-616-6266 or Volunteers who are not currently enrolled with the LITC as a volunteer should have their own malpractice insurance coverage.
Coverage under the University of Washington’s malpractice insurance is restricted to those attorneys that are currently handling cases at the LITC.
Thank you to Jen Niedo, Monica Langeldt, Paul Barrera and Todd DeVelance for volunteering for the Feb. 12 calendar call! - Assist Students with Presentations. Each quarter the students in the LITC give presentations to community organizations to educate taxpayers on issues they may face. Many of these presentations entail the basics of tax return preparation
such as how to file a tax return, what are the applicable credits, deductions, a schedule C, etc. Up to five students per presentation put together the PowerPoint. The LITC would love to have one to two volunteer tax attorneys, enrolled
agents, and/or CPAs attend the presentation with them to fill in areas that may have been missed or to add additional thoughts to the presentation. The presentation may be on site or via zoom. The length of the presentation is typically
a half-hour to one hour with questions afterwards. If you would like to participate, please let me know.
Thank you to Jen Niedo, Janae Camacho and CJ Singh for volunteering this quarter! - Represent a Clinic Client. If you are interested in representing a clinic client, the LITC would love your involvement. Volunteers are asked to start with one case. There is onboarding involved as the LITC uses CLIO software to manage
client cases. You will first be trained on how to use CLIO. Once that is complete you will then select a case and the staff at LITC will go over the details of the particular case and will stay involved on an “as needed basis.”
Since the volunteer would be officially enrolled with the LITC the UW malpractice insurance would cover the volunteer for the clinic case.
Thank you to Paul Barrera, Bob Boeshaar, Cynthia Chen, Jennifer Gellner, Daniel Goodrich, Tim Greenwood, Bella Li, Cory Melendrez, Chrissy Svihus, Helen Tang, Alaura Valley, May Xu, Jen Niedo, Jason Harn and George Munro who are currently representing clinic clients! - Tax Return Preparation. If you are interested in preparing tax returns for clinic clients, the LITC would love your involvement here, too. Again, volunteers start with one case due to the various learning curves with volunteering
at the LITC. Similar to representing a LITC client, there is onboarding involved with CLIO software, and, once complete, you will be able to review the tax return that is being proposed for preparation and make a determination on whether
this is something you want to do. Since the volunteer would be officially enrolled with the LITC the UW malpractice insurance would cover the volunteer for the clinic case.
Thank you to Jeannette Nelsen and Kyle Thomas who are currently preparing returns!
If you can participate in any of the above programs or have questions please contact John Clynch, Staff Attorney at the Federal Tax Clinic, at 206-616-6266 or
If you have any questions or would otherwise like to get involved with the Pro Bono Committee, please contact John Clynch at 206-616-6266 or
Taxation Section CLE Slide Decks
Find the most recent CLE slide decks from the Taxation Section.
Head over to the Newsletters page to see past issues of Taxation News, the Taxation Section Newsletter.
Archived issues are available to section members upon request. To request an issue, please email
Executive Committee
All positions begin Oct. 1, 2024, and end Sept. 30, 2025, unless otherwise stated.
Chair: Cat Connell Chair-Elect: Jason Harn Immediate Past Chair: Megan Tahl Secretary: Alinsson A. Sierra Treasurer: Aaron Johnson *Nonvoting member | At-Large Members Young Lawyer Liaison*: Vacant (2024–2026) Board of Governors Liaison*: Nam Nguyen (2024-2026) |
Committee Chairs
CLE Committee Chair: Communications Committee Chair: DEI Committee Co-Chairs: DOR Liaison Co-Chairs: Estate and Gift Tax Chair: International Tax Co-Chairs: IRS Liaison Co-Chair - IRS Office of Chief Counsel: | IRS Liaison Co-Chair - Private Practice: Legislative Committee Co-Chairs: Pro Bono Committee Chair: Scholarship Committee Chair: State and Local Tax Committee Chair: Transactional Tax Committee Co-Chairs: Young Lawyer Committee Chair: |
Learn more about the Taxation Section Committees.
Executive Committee Meetings
The WSBA Taxation Section Executive Committee generally conducts meetings on the third Friday of each month, 8–9 a.m. Please contact committee members for specific details on their upcoming meeting dates and locations.
See the Executive Committee Meeting Minutes page for access to the previous meeting minutes.
Join Our List Serve
To join the section list serve and for general section questions, please send your email address and Bar number to For more information and to get involved with the section, please contact section Chair Cat Connell.