Updated: June 27, 2024

Long-Range Strategic Planning Council

The Long-Range Strategic Planning Council develops and makes recommendations to the WSBA Board of Governors for adoption of Organizational Goals and Objectives, together with policy-level recommendations for their implementation, subject to the following guidelines.

WSBA Strategic Goals

The WSBA Board of Governors has adopted Strategic Goals, and the Long-Range Strategic Planning Council is creating an outreach plan to create opportunities for members to provide feedback about the projects and initiatives the WSBA will implement to achieve these strategic goals. Look here for information about focus groups and listening tours in the coming months.

Read the Strategic Goals

  • The Council shall communicate to members and the public about the planning process and seek input.
  • The Council shall provide timely updates to the Board of Governors and the Budget and Audit Committee about development of new Organizational Goals and Objectives and recommendations for modification of existing Goals and Objectives.
  • The Council shall strive to ensure that its recommended Organizational Goals and Objectives are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant (to the WSBA’s mission and purpose), and time-bound. In addition, recommended Organizational Goals and Objectives must be consistent with WSBA’s organizational parameters as defined in General Rule 12.


The Long Range Strategic Planning Council is an evolution of WSBA’s previous Long Range Planning Committee, which was chartered in 1999 to shepherd the 1999–2003 strategic goals and subsequent updates. The nature of the WSBA’s strategic planning is now focused on development and implementation of durable organizational goals and objectives, which is why the previous committee has been replaced by the Long Range Strategic Planning Council.

Council Charter

Strategic Planning Process

Council Members

Term Ending in 2026

Governor Kevin Fay

Governor Nam Nguyen


Non-Voting Members:

Executive Director Terra Nevitt, Ex Officio

Term Ending in 2025

CHAIR Sunitha Anjilvel, Acting President

Treasurer Francis Adewale

Immediate Past President Dan Clark

Former President Brian Tollefson

Former Governor Bryn Peterson


Terms Ending in 2024

Former Governor Lauren Boyd

Chief Disciplinary Counsel Doug Ende

Past President Rajeev Majumdar

Past President Kyle Sciuchetti


The Council shall be convened on an annual basis in alignment with WSBA’s fiscal year. It shall submit an annual report to the Board setting forth its recommendations not later than August 1 of each year. It shall submit preliminary recommendations and fiscal projections to the Board of Governors at or before May 1 of each year for the purpose of integration into the organization’s budget planning.

Every three years, the Council should conduct an in-depth review of existing Organizational Goals and Objectives to evaluate their ongoing viability and develop recommendations for new Goals and Objectives as appropriate. In other years, the Council’s focus should be on measuring progress and determining whether existing Goals and Objectives, the strategies for their implementation, and/or the timeline for their completion, should be modified.


Temporary Staff Liaison: Sara Niegowski