Section Stories

What's it like to be a member of a WSBA section? What are the benefits? What do they do? Section members want to tell you in their words why they joined and how it benefited them and their practice.


More videos to come.

Updated: March 1, 2025

Solo & Small Practice Section

The Solo & Small Practice Section supports solo and small practice attorneys by providing important resources that help them to better run their practices, understand their ethical obligations, and grow their practice.

The Section provides complimentary educational programs on a regular basis in addition to collaborating with the WSBA for presentation of the annual Solo & Small Firm Conference, networking opportunities, a vibrant list serve, and a members-only area featuring helpful resources such as written materials from past conferences and video recordings.

Annual Report  |   Budget  |   Bylaws  |  Year in Review  |  Elections   
Members-Only Access  |  Section History & Executive Committee Bios  |  List Serve Guidelines

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Page Navigation

The Solo & Small Practice Section offers many resources and benefits for members. On this page you will find information about the section, their upcoming events and offerings, as well as information about the section's executive committee.

Upcoming Programs

Section Information

Member Benefits

Recommended Resources

WSBA Discount Network

Executive Committee Suggestion Box

Executive Committee Meetings

Executive Committee

Upcoming Programs

Check back here for the latest in updates and offerings from the Solo & Small Practice Section.

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Executive Committee Suggestion Box

The Executive Committee of the WSBA Solo & Small Practice Section welcomes your input regarding such matters as the Section web page, members-only area, webinar topics, and Section activities. Please send suggestions to This email address is monitored on a weekly basis; non-time-sensitive feedback will be shared with the Executive Committee at its next scheduled meeting.

Responding to Pandemic

Results of Member Survey: Impact of Pandemic on WSBA Members

WSBA's COVID-19 Information and Resources

COVID-19 Law Office Reopening Guide, produced by the WSBA Coronavirus Response Task Force

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Recommended Resources Forum:

Reminder: Practice Management Discount Network

As a member of the WSBA, you have access to the Practice Management Discount Network, a collection of discounts on products and services to help you improve your law practice. For further details, please visit the Practice Management Discount Network page.

Suggestions from Members

We invite section members to share information about resources and recommendations that may be of interest to other solo and small practice attorneys. Please send your suggestions to and they will be posted to an unmonitored Forum page within the Members-Only Area of the Section website. To review such postings, please access the Members-Only area and click on the category "Recommended Resources Forum – Suggestions from Members."  Contributions to the Forum will be posted without author attribution.

Access Members-Only Area

To access the Members-Only Area, login with username (not an active email address), type in the password you received with your section sign up/renewal, and then click continue.

If you encounter a screen with a message such as "Someone is already using the username and password...," just click on “Log the other user off and enter” and retry logging in. Email if the problem persists.

Resources in the members-only area include:

  • CLE Chapters and Articles
  • Management Tools, Tips, and Forms
  • Online Resources
  • The Blogroll

Reminder: Practice Management Assistance Program Lending Library

You may want to visit the WSBA Lending Library page (a service of the Practice Management Assistance program) for information about a free service to WSBA members offering the short-term loan of books on topics related to practice management, wellness, and career development. The Library includes multiple titles regarding succession planning including:

  • Lawyers at Midlife: Laying the Groundwork for the Road Ahead
  • The Lawyer's Retirement Planning Guide
  • Passing the Torch Without Getting Burned
  • Lawyer Interrupted
  • The Lawyer's Guide to Succession Planning
  • Second Acts for Solo and Small Firm Lawyers
  • Dangerous Opportunity: Making Change Work
  • You've Earned It, Don't Lose It: Mistakes You Can't Afford to Make When You Retire

Reminder: Practice Transitions On-Demand Seminar in the WSBA CLE Store

The Practice Transitions Half-Day CLE seminar has three presentations: 1) Ethics of Practice Transitions, 2) Selling a Law Practice, and 3) a panel consisting of our ethics counsel and two attorneys, one who purchased a firm and another who sold their firm.

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Section Information

Whom We Serve

Solo and small practice firms comprise more than 60% of practicing lawyers in Washington. Small firm practitioners must handle their finances, marketing, business decisions and growth without the help of law firm administrators, comptrollers, marketing personnel and executive directors.

The Solo and Small Practice Section of the Washington State Bar Association offers the resources to help manage these firms to maximum efficiency and profitability.

Who Serves You

The Section’s Executive Committee is made up of elected solo and small practice attorneys. They understand what you’re dealing with because they’re facing many of those same issues in their own practices. See the Section background page for member bios and photos.

The Executive Committee enjoys input from advisors, including consultants to the legal industry, providing added perspective on solutions to solo and small practice challenges.

Want to join us? Find out more about serving on the executive committee.

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Member Benefits

Did you know there are several important member benefits and tools that come with WSBA membership including Practice Management Assistance, professional liability insurance, and legal research tool Fastcase? Membership in the Section can put you in touch with resources that you can't find anywhere else. It's the next best thing to having your own law practice management consultant!

When you join the Section, you will enjoy full access to:

  • List serve discussions where you can post questions for Section members and receive help with your most challenging issues. This vibrant list serve is a great tool for communicating with other Section members to pose questions, seek recommendations, and share information. 

    (Please click on "List serve discussions" to reach the List Serve Guidelines.)

  • Links on our Members-Only pages to numerous helpful resources, including podcasts, past webinars, articles, CLE Chapters, videos, law practice management tips, and forms. .
  • Section-sponsored webinars with CLE credit throughout the year focused on solo and small practice issues and interests.
  • Discounted tuition for the annual WSBA Solo and Small Firm Conference. 
  • Networking opportunities with other solo and small firm practitioners.

Starting in fall 2018, the bar began offering members a new resource when shopping for health insurance. Members can compare and purchase products from leading insurance providers through a private online exchange. For more information, please visit Health Insurance Exchange or contact

Learn more about WSBA Member Benefits.

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Section Impact

"You all have been a great resource for me, and I'd like to say THANK YOU. I am eternally grateful for any nuggets of direction and advice... You all take the time to write out beautiful explanations that I read word for word and cherish. Your time is valuable and I appreciate it."

Venu N. Sareen, Attorney at Law
From list serve post, May 7, 2015

Executive Committee Meetings

2024 Executive Committee (EC) Meetings currently are scheduled to take place noon to 2 p.m. via Zoom unless otherwise noted below. To join the 2024 Zoom Meetings please use the following link: 

Solo & Small Practice Zoom Meeting Link

Or call-in at 253-215-8782; Meeting ID: 751 741 0489.

View approved minutes for past Executive Committee Meetings and Annual Meetings by visiting the Meeting Minutes page.

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Executive Committee

Chair: Darcel Lobo (2024-2025) 

Chair-Elect: Nicholas Pleasants (2024-2025)

Immediate Past Chair: Vacant (2024-2025)

Secretary: Michele Moore (2024-2025) 

Treasurer: D. Bruce Gardiner (2024-2025)

Young Lawyer Liaison*: Tyler O'Brien (2024-2026)

Board of Governors Liaison*: Kari Petrasek (2024-2025)

*Nonvoting position

At-large Members:

D. Bruce Gardiner (2023-2025)
Kari Petrasek (2023-2025)
Shashi Vijay (2023-2025)
Julie K. Fowler (2024-2026)
Michele Moore (2024-2026)
Zachary Bryant (2024-2026)

Advisor and Liaison Members*:

Ann Guinn

John Redenbaugh

Margeaux Green

Tyler O'Brien

Please contact committee member for details on their upcoming meeting dates and locations.

For general questions, or to switch your list serve settings to a daily digest, please email inquiries to To get involved and learn more about the Solo and Small Practice Section, please contact the Section Chair Darcel Lobo. For more information about the Executive Committee members, check out their biographies.

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