Section Stories

What's it like to be a member of a WSBA section? What are the benefits? What do they do? Section members want to tell you in their words why they joined and how it benefited them and their practice.


More videos to come.

Updated: March 1, 2025

Senior Lawyers Section

Anyone may join the Senior Lawyers Section; although to be a voting member, one must be an active or inactive member of the Washington State Bar Association who is age 55 or have practiced in any jurisdiction for at least 25 years. As one of the few association sections that do not focus on a particular area of the law, the Senior Lawyers Section provides information about navigating the practice of law, life transitions and developments in the law. The Section provides benefits to members by holding an annual meeting that includes CLE sessions, and usually a hosted lunch. The Section also presents other CLE programs on-line which focus on a broad range of topics, and publishes a newsletter, Life Begins, with articles of interest to senior lawyers. Section members are encouraged to submit articles for the newsletter.

Annual Report  |   Budget  |  Bylaws  |  Year in Review  |  Elections
Meeting Minutes  |  Newsletters  |  Member Benefits

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The Senior Lawyers Section offers many resources and benefits for members. On this page you will find information about the section, their upcoming events and offerings, as well as information about the section's executive committee.

Upcoming Programs


Section List Serve

Member Benefits

Executive Committee

Executive Committee Meetings

Upcoming Programs

Announcing Editor Opening for the Senior Lawyers Newsletter!

After two and a half years serving as the editor of the Senior Lawyers Section newsletter, Life Begins, I am stepping down at the end of this year. I have been very fortunate to have worked with members of the Executive Committee, the contributors of the newsletter, and our publisher, Britt Sutherland. Britt has been instrumental in creating a newsletter that is second to none within the WSBA. 

I am reaching out to all our members of our Section in seeking a new editor. Here’s a link to the last edition of Life Begins for those who may not be familiar with the contents of our newsletter. As you can see, the goal of the newsletter is to be relevant, informative, and entertaining. I believe we have achieved that goal and hope to continue to do so. 

I am proud of those contributors who have stepped up and contributed to each quarterly edition and I have no doubt that it will continue. Members of our Executive Committee have been excellent in assisting with articles and features They really made my job much easier. 

I really enjoyed my time as editor. Although I am a member of Executive Committee, it is not a requirement of being the editor. If you are interested in participating in creating what I believe to be the best newsletter in the WSBA, please contact me at the email below. You won’t regret it.

Jim Riehl

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Senior Lawyers Section Newsletter — Life Begins, Vol. 24, No 4, Winter 2025

Read past issues.

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Section List Serve

General Instructions

  • This is a closed list serve, which means it is not open to anyone not currently subscribed. Only current subscribers of the list serve can receive/send email to the list serve.
  • Please note that the name of the list serve will be automatically added before the subject line of your message. The list name will appear in brackets. This allows you to use the list serve name as a filter when receiving email messages and setting up rules that you use to manage your email folders.
  • This list serve allows attachments; however, the total message size including attachments is limited to 5 megabytes.
  • Please review the List Serve Guidelines before sending messages to the list serve.
  • If you have questions about the list serve, please contact

Sending Messages

  • To send a message to everyone currently subscribed to this list, address your message to This is the "list address." The list serve will automatically distribute the email to all subscribers.
  • A subject line is required on all email messages sent to the list serve.
  • Include a signature block at the bottom of the message, or some other contact information (i.e. name and email address or phone number).

Responding to Messages

When you use "Reply" to respond to an email sent to the list serve, your message will go only to the author of the email. When you use "Reply All," your message will go to the author and to all members of the list serve.

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WSBA Member Benefits

Did you know there are several important member benefits and tools that come with WSBA membership including professional liability insurance and Casemaker? You can also find group medical insurance plans can be found through a broker and individual plans can be found through a broker or on the Exchange.

Visit the Practice Management Discount Network for a more comprehensive list. For more information about WSBA benefits, please contact

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Executive Committee

Chair: William Cameron (2024-2025 – 2nd Qtr)

Immediate Past Chair: Albert Armstrong III (2023-2024)

SecretaryAlbert Armstrong III (2023-2024) 

Treasurer: Joseph Gordon (2023-2024)

Young Lawyer Liaison*: Ruth Apahidean (2024-2025)

Board of Governors Liaison*: Parvin Price (2024-2025)

At-Large Members:

Vacant (2024-2025)
Carole Grayson (2024-2025)
David Sprinkle (2024-2025)
Vacant (2024-2025)
Jennifer Rydberg (2024-2025)
Stephen DeForest (2024-2025)
William Cameron (2024-2025)
Vacant (2024-2025)
Vacant (2024-2025)

Newsletter Contact, Life Begins*: Vacant

*Nonvoting member

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Executive Committee Meetings

The Executive Committee of the Senior Lawyers Sections meets on the third Wednesday of each month (except December, July, and August) 10:30 a.m. to noon. Meetings have taken place at the Broadmoor Golf Club, 2340 Broadmoor Drive E., Seattle, but are currently being held virtually via Zoom.

Please contact Albert Armstrong for further details on upcoming meetings.

For general section questions, please send your email address and Bar number to For more information and to get involved with the section, please contact the section Chair.

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