Section Stories
What's it like to be a member of a WSBA section? What are the benefits? What do they do? Section members want to tell you in their words why they joined and how it benefited them and their practice.
More videos to come.
Health Law Section
The Health Law Section furthers the knowledge of the members of the Section and the Washington State Bar Association in the areas of law involving both federal and local health care. The Section focuses on the business of health care, state and federal reform, fraud and abuse, antitrust, new modes of health care delivery, insurance issues, and many other concerns. The Section works to contribute to valuable relationships among health law practitioners and opportunities to develop health law practices.
The Section provides benefits to members by developing regular educational opportunities, including CLE seminars and notices of important developments in health law; contributing to valuable relationships among health law practitioners and opportunities to develop health law practices; and providing general information relating to healthcare law. The Section also promotes list-serve discussions and social networking opportunities.
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The Health Law Section offers many resources and benefits for members. On this page you will find information about the section, their upcoming events and offerings, as well as information about the section's executive committee.
Upcoming ProgramsExecutive Committee Meetings | Executive Committee |
Upcoming Programs
NEW Webinar! What to Expect Under the New Administration in Health Care
Developed in partnership with the WSBA Health Law Section
New administrations are taking the helm at the federal and state levels, often with opposing views on legal and policy priorities. New and sometimes conflicting directives impact patients, providers, and health care organizations. Plans at the federal level to curtail Medicare and Medicaid reimbursement could significantly impact access to care. The purpose of this webinar is to update health care attorneys on emerging issues and provide practical considerations for them as they counsel their clients. Areas that will be covered include immigration enforcement, reproductive health, gender affirming care, and government payment programs.
When: March 11, 2025
Time: 11:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m. PT
Credits: 1.00 Law & Legal Procedure
Executive Committee
Chair: Elena Praggastis (2024-2025) 1st Vice Chair: Stephanie Sundier (2024-2025) 2nd Vice Chair: Adrian Chan (2024-2025) Immediate Past Chair: Maddie Haller (2024-2025) Secretary: Genta Iwasaki (2024-2025) Treasurer: Ricci Crinzi (2024-2025) | At-Large Members: Young Lawyer Liaison*: Vacant (2024-2026) Board of Governors Liaisons*: Emily Arneson (2024-2025) |
*Nonvoting member
Executive Committee Meetings
The Executive Committee of the Health Law Section holds monthly meetings. Except as otherwise noted, the meetings take place by video conference on the second Tuesday of each month, noon–1 p.m. See the events calendar for access information.
Please contact committee members for any other details on their upcoming meetings.
Join Our List Serve
To join the section list serve and for general section questions, please send your email address and Bar number to To post on the section's list serve, review our list serve instructions. For more information and to get involved with the section, please email the Section directly.