If you have concerns about the ethical conduct of a lawyer, you can file a complaint, which we will review. If you have a minor dispute with your lawyer, you can ask us for help instead of filing a complaint. If you have additional questions about the grievance process, see our FAQ About the Grievance Process or email your inquiry to intake@wsba.org.

Resolve a Dispute with Your Lawyer Instead of Filing a Complaint

To ask for our help to reestablish communication with your lawyer or request your client file from your lawyer, complete the Request for Assistance Form.

File a Complaint Against a Lawyer

To file a complaint against a lawyer, read Lawyer Discipline in Washington, review the materials below and either complete the E-Grievance Form online or print and mail the Grievance Form to our office.

Presentar una queja contra un abogado en español

Para presentar una queja contra un abogado, lea Disciplina para abogados en Washington, complete el Formulario de queja e imprima y envíe el formulario a nuestra oficina por correo postal o por correo electrónico . Para más información, favor de revisar las preguntas más frecuentes acerca de la presentación de quejas contra abogados.