Section Stories

What's it like to be a member of a WSBA section? What are the benefits? What do they do? Section members want to tell you in their words why they joined and how it benefited them and their practice.


More videos to come.

Updated: March 1, 2025

Intellectual Property Section

The Intellectual Property Section strives to promote the practice of intellectual property law and focuses on patents, trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets, and related matters. The Section promotes the development of industry and the useful arts by encouraging the establishment, maintenance, respect for, and utilization of intellectual property rights that fairly balance the limited monopoly enjoyed by the owner of intellectual property rights with the benefit to society derived from the creation of useful subject matter protectable by those rights.

The Section provides benefits to members by providing continuing legal education events, including the Intellectual Property Institute, and publishing a newsletter. The Section conducts outreach activities with members and law students providing financial support to law students attending law schools in Washington state. The Section reviews, comments on, and makes recommendations related to pending legislation, and proposes statutory enactments to improve and to facilitate the administration of justice.

Annual Report  |   Budget  |   Bylaws  |  Year in Review  |  Elections

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Page Navigation

The Intellectual Property Section offers many resources and benefits for members. On this page you will find information about the section, their upcoming events and offerings, as well as information about the section's executive committee.

Upcoming Programs

On-Demand CLE Programs

Executive Committee

Upcoming Programs

NEW Webcast! Spotlight on Arts and Entertainment Law

Register Now!

Presented in collaboration with the WSBA Intellectual Property Section

Join us online for a CLE program with arts and entertainment law in the spotlight. This program focuses on various legal aspects of arts and entertainment such as social media, contracts for artists, the VARA, and stadium naming rights considerations. We will also discuss ethics related to client communications.

When: March 7, 2025

Time: 8:25 a.m.–2:30 p.m. PT

CLE Credits: 1 Ethics, 4 Law & Legal Procedure

Register Online Now!

NEW Webinar! Best Practices for Amazon Takedown Requests in IP Disputes

Register Now!

Developed in partnership with the WSBA Intellectual Property Section

We will learn how to turn what feels like a whack-a-mole game into an effective tactic for resolving intellectual property infringement on the marketplace. We will walk through a draft petition from start to finish, discuss the risk exposure in sending the petition, and Tim Billick will share tips on how to set up a petition for any given type of infringement.

When: March 27, 2025

Time: Noon–1 p.m. PT

Credits: 1.00 Law & Legal Procedure

Register Online Now!

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On-Demand CLE Programs

The Intellectual Property Section has a great list of on-demand CLEs available. Click the following links to learn more.

TitleAgendaLaw & 
The 29th Annual Intellectual Property InstituteAgenda4.751.00  5.75
IP — LicensingAgenda4.5  1.005.50
IP Timely TopicsAgenda5.25 1.000.506.75
The 28th Annual Intellectual Property InstituteAgenda7.751.00 1.009.75
IP LicensingAgenda6.00   6.00
IP Timely TopicsAgenda6.50   6.50
The 27th Annual Intellectual Property InstituteAgenda5.502.00  7.50
IP Licensing in 2022Agenda5.25  1.006.25


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Executive Committee

ChairConnie Wan (2024-2025)

Chair-Elect: Syed Abedi (2024-2025)

Immediate Past ChairRodney Tullett (2024-2025) 

Secretary/TreasurerJim Vana (2024-2025) 

Young Lawyer Liaison*: Heather Hedeen (2024-2026)

Board of Governors Liaison*: Alain Villeneuve

At-Large Members:

Greg Plichta (2023-2025)
Sunah Lee (2023-2025)
Vacant (2023-2025)
Elizabeth Breakstone (2024-2026)
Nicholas Aldrich (2024-2026)

*Nonvoting member

Please contact subcommittee member for details on their upcoming meeting dates and locations.

To join the Section list serve and get general section questions, please send your email address and Bar number to For more information and to get involved with the Section, please contact the Section chair, Connie Wan.

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