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Updated: March 1, 2025

Creditor Debtor Rights Section

The Creditor Debtor Rights Section encourages the research, study, and initiation of proposals for changes and reforms in all areas of law that may impact the creditor/debtor relationship. The Section aids and educates members and the public by reviewing pending legislation and development of proposed statutory enactments to improve and to facilitate the administration of justice. Section members represent a diverse array of individuals and businesses who are debtors, debtors in possession, secured and unsecured creditors, creditors committees, receivers, trustees, asset purchasers, and examiners in all facets of creditor-debtor law.

The Section provides benefits to members by developing resources, including a newsletter and bankruptcy case law digest, and sponsoring several CLEs each year. Since 2004, the Section has maintained an annual grants program to financially assist community service programs statewide that provide legal services in the area of creditor/debtor law.

Annual Report  |   Budget  |  Bylaws  |  Year in Review  |  Elections  |   Resources  |   Newsletters

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Page Navigation

The Creditor Debtor Rights Section offers many resources and benefits for members. On this page you will find information about the section, current newsletter, grants, as well as information about the Section's executive committee.

Upcoming Programs

Section Information

Grant Program


Executive Committee

Upcoming Programs

Check back here for the latest in programs and offerings from the Creditor Debtor Rights Section.

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Section Information

Check back here for updates regarding what the Creditor Debtor Rights Section is doing for its members.

The Fall 2022 Newsletter Is Out Now!

Read it now.

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Creditor Debtor Rights Grant Program

The Creditor Debtor Rights Section recognizes the importance for all individuals to have access to legal services. Many Section members are actively involved in making their expertise available to low-income individuals, both through direct representation and/or educational programs. While financial constraints and/ or other limitations may deter individuals from seeking legal services, it is important that community services exist to assist with such issues. Established in 2004, the purpose of the Creditor Debtor Rights Section’s Grant Program is to provide financial assistance to the ongoing operation of community service and legal aid programs.

Deserving organizations are encouraged to complete the current grant application form and submit it to the Grant Program Chair by Dec. 2, 2024. A copy of the application can be found below:

Creditor Debtor Rights Section Grant Program Application 2024-2025

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Executive Committee

ChairTodd Tracy (2024-2026)

Chair-Elect: Jennifer Faubion (2024-2026)

Immediate Past Chair: Bruce Medeiros (2024-2026)

Secretary/TreasurerMichael Sperry (2024-2026)

Young Lawyer Liaison*Vacant (2024-2026)

Board of Governors Liaison*Todd Bloom (2024-2025)

Newsletter Editorial Board Members*
TBD (2023-2025)


*Nonvoting member





Pos. 1, Eastern District:
Jody McCormick (2024-2026)

Pos. 2, Eastern District:
Timothy Fischer (2024-2026)

Pos. 3, Northern Division of Western District:
Steven Palmer (2024-2026)

Pos. 4, King County:
Richard Keeton (2024-2026)

Pos. 5, King County:
Christina Henry (2023-2025)

Pos. 6, Southern Division of Western District:
Jill Collins (2024-2026)

Pos. 7, Southern Division of Western District:
Thomas Dashiell (2023-2025) 

Pos. 8, Eastern Division At-Large:
Rebecca Sheppard (2023-2025)

Pos. 9, Western District At-Large:
David Neu (2023-2025) 

Please contact subcommittee member for details on their upcoming meeting dates and locations.

Join Our List Serve

To join the Section list serve and for general questions, please contact For questions about the Section and to get involved, please contact Section Chair Todd Tracy.


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