Section Stories

What's it like to be a member of a WSBA section? What are the benefits? What do they do? Section members want to tell you in their words why they joined and how it benefited them and their practice.


More videos to come.

Updated: March 6, 2025

Business Law Section

The Business Law Section is committed to providing services that its members value, operating in a fiscally responsible manner, and enhancing the professional collegiality among all Washington business lawyers. Section members have access to certain restricted portions of this website, such as the Current Developments and Legislation pages. Members are also entitled to attend section events, participate on the Business Law Section list serve, and receive a semiannual newsletter and other publications prepared from time to time, including a sourcebook containing in-depth comments and legislative history on the Business Corporation Act (RCW 23B) and a report on opinion letter practice in Washington.

Annual Report  |   Budget  |   Bylaws  |  Year in Review  |  Elections  |  Third-Party Legal Opinions  |  Publications & Newsletters  |  Legislation

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Page Navigation

The Business Law Section offers many resources and benefits for members. On this page you will find information about the section, their upcoming events and offerings, as well as information about the section's executive committee.

Upcoming Programs

Members-Only Resources


Executive Committee

Committee Chairs

Join Our List Serve

Upcoming Programs

NEW Webinar! Untangling the Web - Your Roadmap to Navigating State Privacy and Data Security Laws

Register Now!

Developed in partnership with the WSBA Business Law Section

Are you feeling overwhelmed by the ever-changing maze of privacy and security laws and regulations? You're not alone. As new laws and regulations roll out across the United States each year, staying compliant is more challenging—and critical—than ever.

Join Perkins Coie Privacy & Security lawyers Miriam Farhi and Amelia Gerlicher as they cut through the noise. Discover how to build a multijurisdictional compliance program and master the nuances of state-specific privacy and data security requirements.

What you'll take away:

  • Proven strategies to streamline your compliance efforts across multiple states.
  • Insider tips on anticipating and adapting to new regulations before they take effect.
  • Practical approaches to fortifying your data security and reducing cyber legal risk.

When: March 20, 2025

Time: Noon–1 p.m. PT

Credits: 1.00 Law & Legal Procedure

Register Online Now!


NEW Webinar! Contracting for Human Rights and the Environment

Register Now!

Developed in partnership with the WSBA World Peace Through Law Section and the Business Law Section

Join us for an introduction to the work of the Responsible Contracting Project (RCP), whose mission is to improve human rights and environmental outcomes in global supply chains through better contracting practices. The RCP team will explain the "what, why, and how" of responsible contracting, how companies often get their contracts wrong, and how adopting RCP's tools and principles can support better outcomes for people and planet, as well as closer alignment with new due diligence legislation and trade sanctions regimes.

What will you learn? At the end of the webinar, participants will understand:

  • Why contracts matter for human rights and environmental (HRE) protection and why "traditional" contracts are often ineffective for upholding HRE standards
  • The core principles or the three "Rs" of responsible contracting
  • What recent due diligence legislation requires companies to do with respect to their contracts and purchasing practices
  • RCP's tools and how they work.

Who should attend this webinar?

This webinar offers valuable insights for professionals working within or with companies who are interested in learning about how commercial contracts can be improved to be more effective for protecting people and the planet and for achieving closer alignment with new legislation.

When: March 21, 2025

Time: 11 a.m.–1 p.m. PT

Credits: 2.00 Law & Legal Procedure

Register Online Now!

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Members-only Resources


Publications & Newsletters

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Fall 2021 Newsletter

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Executive Committee

Chair: Barbara J. Prowant (2024-2025) 

Chair-Elect: Melissa Jaffe (2024-2025)

Immediate Past Chair: Kelly Anne Lawton-Abbott (2024-2025)

Secretary: Ruthanna Walker (2024-2025) 

Treasurer: Ruthanna Walker (2024-2025)

Prior Chairs

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At-Large Members:

Gina Topp (2024-2025) 
Joanna Cleveland (2024-2025)

Young Lawyer LiaisonVacant (2023-2025)

Board of Governors Liaison*: Kevin Fay (2024-2025)

Program Committees

Communications Committee Chairs:
Kaitlin Miller (2024-2025)

Corporate Act Revision Committee Chairs:
Michael Hutchings (2024-2025)

Financial Institutions Committee Chair:
Kalin Bornemann (2024-2025)

Legal Opinions Committee Chair:
Scott William MacCormack (2024-2025)

Nonprofit Corporations Committee Chair:
David Lawson (2024-2025)

Partnerships & LLC Law Committee Co-Chairs:
Elisabeth McNeil (2024-2025)
Matthew LeMaster (2024-2025)

Privacy & Data Protection Security Law
Committee Co-Chairs:
Amy Weston (2024-2025)
Michael Austin Harris (2024-2025)

Securities Law Committee Chair:
Jason Powell (2024-2025) 

Uniform Commercial Code Committee Chairs:
Gregory Fox (2024-2025)

Young Business Lawyers Committee** Chair:
Christopher "Mike" Davis (2024-2025)

* Nonvoting members
** Ad hoc committee

All positions are for Fiscal Year 2025, except as otherwise indicated. Please contact subcommittee members for details on their upcoming meeting dates and locations.

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Join Our List Serve

To join the section list serve and for general section questions, please send your email address and Bar number to For more information and to get involved with the section, please contact Section Chair.

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