Dominion: A Legal Deconstruction
Oct. 25, 2019
Gonzaga University School of Law, 721 N Cincinnati St.
Spokane, Washington
The 2018 film "Dominion" won several awards for its expose of customary animal management practices pertaining to six primary facets of our interaction with animals – companions, wildlife, scientific research, entertainment, clothing, and food. Utilizing high-quality drone footage and covert cameras at concentrated animal feedlot operations and within slaughterhouses, "Dominion" provides audiences with a perspective that has been traditionally shielded from view and inquiry, increasingly aided by “ag-gag” laws that have repeatedly been declared unconstitutional.
While the film is free to stream online, to amplify the educational impact of viewing this film, the Washington State Bar Association’s Animal Law Section founder Adam P. Karp is offering a legal x-ray into "Dominion" and an examination of:
- Federal, Washington state, and local statutes and regulations (including failed legislation) governing the issues depicted and discussed in "Dominion"
- Federal preemption/conflict doctrine threatening to invalidate state animal welfare laws
- The law of drones as it pertains to capturing images on matters of public importance (e.g., animal cruelty, public safety, environmental protection)
- The law pertaining to audiovisual interception by use of covert cameras
- Latest constitutional challenges to ag-gag laws
- Criminal prosecution of individuals engaging in direct action/open rescue, including very recent, highly-publicized cases
- RPCs applicable to the foregoing legal issues
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