Stephen Kozer Named Local Hero by the Washington State Bar Association | July 19, 2024
MOSES LAKE, Wash. (July 19, 2024) – The Washington State Bar Association today presented Grant County public defender Stephen Kozer with the Local Hero award in recognition of his leadership and determination to defending those accused with limited means.
“Stephen Kozer is known for his professionalism and doggedness as a defender,” said WSBA’s acting President Sunitha Anjilvel. “At a time when public defenders are stretched thinner than ever before, he maintains a personal commitment to ensure that even those accused of a crime who can’t afford an attorney get a defense as robust as those who can. He’s a leader who inspires those he works with to do the same.”

The Local Hero Award is presented to those who have made noteworthy contributions to their communities. Anjilvel presented Kozer with the award during the July 19 meeting of WSBA’s Board of Governors in Moses Lake, WA. Kozer’s colleagues at the Grant County Department of Public Defense nominated him for the award.
Kozer was first licensed to practice law in Washington and admitted to the Washington State Bar Association in 1984. As Felony Supervising Attorney at Grant County Department of Public Defense, he has worked for years ensuring that those accused of a crime how can’t afford to hire an attorney are afforded a vigorous criminal defense, as our system demands. At his office, he’s known as an inspiring leader and generous mentor who is known for his catch phrase, “Finish strong.”
“Stephen's level of intelligence and keen interest in truly helping his clients and the overall community as a whole could have ended up anywhere…,” said Jordan Shipley-Shaw, who works in Kozer’s Ephrata law office. “He is originally from New York with family and friends scattered all along the East Coast; one might wonder what made him choose our community to devote his time and heart to. …He cares; he more than cares. He wants you to be more than just okay. He wants to see you thrive and be successful in all you do.”
About the Washington State Bar Association
The WSBA operates under the delegated authority of the Washington Supreme Court and exercises a governmental function authorized by the Court to license and regulate the state’s nearly 40,000 legal professionals, including lawyers, limited practice officers, and limited license legal technicians. The WSBA both regulates legal professionals under the authority of the Court and serves its members as a professional association — all without public funding. The WSBA administers the Bar admission process, including the bar exam; provides record-keeping and licensing functions; administers the lawyer discipline system; and provides continuing legal education for legal professionals, in addition to numerous other educational and member-service activities. The Bar’s mission is to serve the public and its members, to ensure the integrity of the legal profession, and to champion justice.