Here's to 50 Years of Lawyering!
WSBA's class of ’74 included 85 members who collectively represented 4,250 years of service. It included more women and people of color than previous classes, noted Justice González, a trend that has continued through the years.
“It’s been an honor to work now on what is the most diverse supreme court in the United States...,” González said. “And it’s made a real difference. It’s made a difference not just in the appearance but I think
in the substance of the conversations that we have. … There’s a richness to the discussion that wasn’t there when I first joined the court, as the only person of color on the court, 13 years ago. And I’m hopeful that we’ll
continue with the recognition of that importance and embrace that as we recruit people into the profession.”
Raise a glass to the class of '74.
View the a photo gallery from the event.