The Washington State Bar Foundation is the fundraising arm of the Washington State Bar Foundation. Donations are tax-deductible and support the following programs:

Powerful Communities. This program provides grants (currently $5,000) to fund legal aid projects throughout Washington. To date, 66 grants totaling $219,000 have been awarded to projects serving over 20 Washington counties. Grantees work with immigrant communities, people who are formerly incarcerated, tribal communities, the LGBTQIA2S+ community, youth of color, and many others.

Moderate Means Program. This initiative connects moderate income clients (those who fall between 200-400% of the Federal Poverty Level) with legal professionals who work for reduced fees on a variety of legal issues. This program is currently paused as improvements to the program are being developed and implemented. 

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI). We support WSBAs DEI efforts, which include free Legal Lunchbox CLEs on DEI topics, an annual reception for underrepresented and non-traditional law students, pathways to the profession initiatives, work with the Affinity Bar Associations, and more. We also help secure sponsorships for the Access to Justice Conference and other events.

Meet our Board of Trustees

We are grateful for the dedicated group of professionals that make up our Board of Trustees. If you are interested in learning about joining our Board, please get in touch!

Make a tax-deductible donation to the Washington State Bar Foundation today! 

Foundation Information

Aug 2, 2017, 13:20 PM
The Washington State Bar Foundation is a 501(c)(3) public charity. Donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. Tax ID# 91-1098324