Truth And Reconciliation — 20 Years Later
Oct. 9, 2024
Around the world, not excluding the United States, peoples and political factions have grievances so long-standing that some can barely speak to each other, refrain from violence, or even acknowledge the other's legal or moral right to exist. Yet, as our world grows more tightly connected and the machineries of violence more powerful, failure to live together in peace under law is not an option. How can we resolve deeply-felt wounds and suspicions when mere communication is a problem? Here in America, we often have a vague sense that over in South Africa, a Truth and Reconciliation process produced successes from which we might learn. Is this the case? For better or worse, what can we learn from the lived experience of the people of South Africa? Please join us for an hour with Commissioner Tshepo Madlingozi of the South African Human Rights Commission.
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