Maritime Issues in the Indo-pacific: 2 U.S. Perspectives


June 6, 2023



Dorsey & Whitney, LLP, 701 Fifth Ave., Suite 6100
Seattle, WA

The People’s Republic of China and its neighbors in the Indo-Pacific have conflicting claims about their respective maritime domains in the South China Sea and the East China Sea. Both the PRC and its neighbors have signed and ratified the United Nations’ Treaty on the Law of the Sea, but the United States has only signed but not ratified this key treaty. The U.S. Navy has historically advocated for the rights of all nations to navigate and traverse these waters in the Indo-Pacific for peaceful commerce. Moreover, ever since the decade of the “three communiques” between the United States and the PRC (1972-1982) and Congressional passage of the Taiwan Relations Act (1979-1980), Taiwan has been an additional and significant friction point in the U.S.-PRC bilateral relationship.

This CLE program will outline certain selected military and international legal issues arising from these tensions and how they bear upon regional and global economics, peace and security.

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