Administrative Law Section Homan Award Reception


Dec. 12, 2022



Mercato Ristorante,111 Market St. NE
Olympia, WA

Registration is now open for the WSBA Administrative Law Section’s Annual Homan Award Reception and Year End CLE on Monday, Dec. 12!

This year, the Section honors Larry Berg for his contributions to Washington Administrative Law. The Homan Award reception will be held at Mercato Ristorante, 111 Market St NE in Olympia, Washington and will begin at 5:30 p.m.

The reception will be followed by a dinner CLE on Cannabis Licensing: Recent Developments and Broader Trends, presented by Penny Allen of the Washington State Attorney General’s Office. The CLE is approved for 1.0 hour of Law and Legal Procedure CLE credit. The cost is $35 for section members and $40 for non-section members.

Register for this CLE here or by returning the attached form to the WSBA offices (address noted within the form). We note spaces are limited for the CLE and registration for the CLE closes at noon Thursday, Dec. 8.

To RSVP for the reception, please reply to

We hope to see you on Dec. 12.

More Information:
