Featured Speaker Dinner: The Honorable James L. Robart's Observations from the Bench
Sept. 13, 2022
Washington Athletic Club, 1325 Sixth Ave.
After almost 20 years as a federal district court judge, Judge Robart has selected four or five topics to address. He has presided over numerous high-profile cases, including:
- 2020 – a restraining order overruling a Seattle city ban on the use of teargas and impact munitions
- 2017 – a temporary restraining order against President Trump’s executive order on travel and immigration
- 2017 – a nationwide injunction blocking the Trump administration’s restrictions on the process of reuniting refugee families
- 2016 – Microsoft challenged the provisions of the Stored communications Act barring companies from alerting customers to secret government surveillance of their emails
- 2016 – the Department of Justice consent decree requiring the Seattle Police Department to address federal allegations of police bias
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