The Inaugural Northwest Collaborative Futures Conference
Oct. 21-22, 2021
The NW Collaborative Futures Conference is a future-focused, cross-border conflict resolution event taking place online Oct 21 & 22, 2021. The conference will be a mix of practical skill-building workshops and explorations of the ways in which individuals, organizations, and nations create borders that lead to, intensify, and prolong conflict.
Presentations will build on the theme of deconstructing artificial borders in order to deepen understanding of conflict resolution. Both advocates and neutrals will share lessons from diverse practice areas and varied conflict resolution processes.
Session topics include:
- An examination of how jurisdictional borders have worsened the epidemic of extreme violence against Indigenous women, girls and 2-spirit people.
- COVID-19 false dichotomies
- How Trump’s wall on the border with Mexico connects with the Chinese Exclusion laws of the 1880s, and the “Keep America American” nativism of the 1920s
- The campaign against non-disclosure agreements in sexual harassment settlements
- How machine listening may improve A2J in British Columbia family law disputes
- Often overlooked preparation steps for difficult conversations
The conference will include two full days of dynamic and engaging speakers with 32+ hours of content. Session recordings will be available for two weeks. The conference is anticipated to be approved for approximately 15 hours of CLE credit in Washington, Oregon and California. Preceding the conference are two free evening events, a conflict resolution career panel on Tuesday, Oct. 19 and a presentation and online reception on Wednesday, Oct. 20.
Registration and more information is available at
This conference is created by the ADR Section of the Washington State Bar Association, Mediate BC, the Continuing Legal Education Society of British Columbia,CoRe Conflict Resolution Society and
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