Alternative Dispute Resolution Section Northwest Happy Hour
Sept. 2, 2021
Happy Hour Northwest
5:30 p.m. Pacific Time
Thursday Sept. 2, 2021
Coaching Inside Mediation: A Conversation with Tamir Hasan
This First Thursday Tamir Hasan will help us explore how coaching can enhance authenticity and deep listening that leads to transformation when integrated into mediated processes.
Tamir is a coach, facilitator, trainer and mediator at King County in Seattle, Washington. He founded Own Your Own Solution LLC, where clients receive his support in generating and connecting with their bigger purpose, gain new awareness, and creating meaningful experiences for themselves in their environments.
Take some time to gather with dispute resolution practitioners to connect and exchange experiences with like-minded individuals.
Happy Hour Northwest welcomes arbitrators, attorneys, conflict coaches, students, educators, mediators, other DR-related practitioners, and anyone interested in the field. Join us in a safe space where conversations are constructive, respectful, and remain private among the group.
Please register in advance to attend Happy Hour Northwest: Zoom link.
Happy Hour Northwest is sponsored by
the WSBA ADR Section Executive Committee
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