Parenting in the Lifeboat: MAMA Matters – Parenting Powered by Pleasure


Jan. 21, 2021


This is no time for meager attempts at self care! If the center cannot hold, all things will fall apart. It is time to shift away from old success strategies of being powered by pressure and shift towards pleasure as your renewable inner resource for empowerment, stamina, and joy.

This session will teach you the neuroscience behind why it is good for you to feel good!  Attendees will learn practical solutions to stop the overwhelm and get coaching to build new habits that fully access your authentic power instead of perpetuating old habits mired in guilt and unrealistic expectations. It's a session specifically designed for legal practitioners who identify as mothers, but all are welcome to attend. The seminar is session six of the WSBA Health Law Section’s Parenting in the Lifeboat series. 

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