LGBTQ Elder Law: Perspectives, Rights, and Remedies—Navigating a Changing Landscape
June 26, 2019
WSBA, 1325 Fourth Ave., Suite 600
Seattle , WA
An overview of the legal issues, rights, and developments affecting LGBTQ Elders in Washington State. Topics covered will include:
- Who are LGBTQ Elders? Exploring a hidden population, demographics, and generational differences
- Rights and remedies for LGBTQ Elders in long-term care facilities
- Cultural competency and developments in Washington
- The national legal landscape -- impact of the Affordable Care Act, religious exemptions, and more
- Family law considerations for LGBTQ Elders and the impact and interplay of marriage and community property law with benefits and probate
- Basic tools to protect and empower -- powers of attorney, advanced directives, surrogate decision making
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