2018 Annual Labor & Employment Law Section CLE
Nov. 30, 2018
Washington State Convention Center, 705 Pike St.
Seattle, WA
The WSBA Labor & Employment Law Section is pleased to announce its 18th annual CLE at the Washington State Convention Center in Seattle (and by webcast). We are planning a CLE that will continue the Section’s multiple-year streak of high attendance with close to half of the attendees participating via Webcast, demonstrating that the Section’s high-quality CLE is accessible to attorneys across the state. Thank you for your support of your Section’s CLE!
CLE attendees will enjoy interactive and highly-engaging presentations on topics ranging from the annual state and federal employment law update to accommodating psychiatric issues in the workplace. We will also be offering a one-hour ethics credit relevant to labor and employment practitioners.
Check back here in late summer for program details with a link to online registration following in the early fall.
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