Pizza & the Practice of Consumer Law


Oct. 17, 2018



University of Washington School of Law, Room 127
Seattle, WA

For law students! 

Come hear about how to become a warrior for economic justice! You’ll hear the good, the bad, and the ugly from private practitioners, legal aid, nonprofit, and the Attorney General’s Office — what they do, how they came to this work, what you need to know about the practice.

This moderated panel discussion will involve Q&A with you!  Panelists include Audrey Udashen of the AG’s Office, Beth Terrell of Terrell Marshall Law Group PLLC, Christina Henry of Henry & DeGraaf, P.S., Amanda Martin of Northwest Consumer Law Center, Julia Kellison of Northwest Justice Project, and Anthony Leahy of Consumer Education and Training Services (CENTS).

FREE PIZZA and SALAD will be provided, sponsored by the WSBA Antitrust, Consumer Protection, and Unfair Business Practices Section.

Hosted by the WSBA Antitrust, Consumer Protection, and Unfair Business Practices Section.

More Information:
