25th Annual Criminal Justice Institute CLE
Sept. 20-21, 2018
Washington State Criminal Justice Training Commission, 19010 First Ave S
Burien , WA
This comprehensive institute brings together prosecutors, defense counsel, forensics experts, judges, law professors, and law enforcement professionals to share insights, expertise, and best practices across the criminal justice system. This year’s topics include:
- Arraignment – what you do and do not know
- Warrant requirements and probable cause – updates on vehicles, passengers, property and homes
- Data analysis of police use of force (back by popular demand!)
- DUI – get updates on the new laws
- Post-conviction issues
- Cyberbullying and stalking
- Fish and wildlife offenses/collateral penalties and plea negotiation
- Discovery duty including failure to disclosure witness interviews
- Voir Dire and jury questionnaires
- Traumatic brain injuries and the criminal justice system
- Technology tips: how to use the internet efficiently for discovery
- Special problems in sex cases and how to best handle them
- Ethics, ethics and more ethics
PLUS! Updates on legislation and search and seizures.
More information and registration.
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