
Found 53 results for goldblatt

Managerial Audit

Sept. 25, 2019

 Conducting a Managerial Audit By: Michael L. Goldblatt Originally Published on Blumberg Blog on September 4, 2019 Printed with the permission of and BlumbergExcelsior, Inc. Audits have been used since ancient times to protect assets and assure financial reports. During the 1900's, the use of audits expanded to reviews of management practices. Managerial audits help, provided in the article to conduct a managerial audit at your firm. About the Author Mr. Goldblatt...

Document Solo and Small Practice Section, Resources

Business Development with Legal Checkups

Nov. 8, 2019

 Business Development with Legal Checkups By: Michael L. Goldblatt Originally Published on Blumberg Blog on November 6, 2019 Printed with the permission of and BlumbergExcelsior, Inc. 70 years ago, lawyer Louis Brown advocated for client checkups in his Manual on Preventive Law. Until his death in 1996 at the age of 86, Brown continued to write and lecture about, that might otherwise go unserved. About the Author Mr. Goldblatt has authored numerous books...

Document Solo and Small Practice Section, Resources

Attracting Clients to Your Firm - SSP article

Sept. 4, 2020

 Attracting Clients to Your Firm By: Michael L. Goldblatt Originally Published on Blumberg Blog, 2/26/2020 Printed with the permission of and BlumbergExcelsior, Inc. During the 1800's, it was common for lawyers to attract clients by hanging a shingle and advertising in newspapers. In the early 1900's, lawyer advertising was restrained by ABA rules, but the situation, clients to your firm and enhance your profitability. About the Author Michael L. Goldblatt has authored...

Document Solo and Small Practice Section

Converting Prospects into Clients

Sept. 4, 2020

 Converting Prospects into Clients By Michael L. Goldblatt Originally Published on Blumberg Blog, 9/2/2020 Printed with the permission of and BlumbergExcelsior, Inc. In the middle of the Great Depression of the 1930's, Dale Carnegie wrote a best-selling book about marketing yourself by being attentive, friendly, and sympathetic. The book was titled How to Win Friends, the Author Michael L. Goldblatt has authored many books and articles about marketing for lawyers...

Document Solo and Small Practice Section

Journaling to Enhance Productivity and Well Being

Dec. 18, 2019

 Journaling to Enhance Productivity and Well-Being By: Michael L. Goldblatt Originally Published on Blumberg Blog Printed with the permission of and BlumbergExcelsior, Inc. Journaling has been used since ancient times to capture thoughts, keep reminders, and record events. An early example is the journal maintained by Roman Emperor Marcus Aurielius (161-180) who kept, are well worth the modest time it takes to keep a journal. About the Author Mr. Goldblatt has authored...

Document Solo and Small Practice, Solo and Small Practice Section, Resources

Reopening Offices and Restoring Profitability

May 1, 2020

 Reopening Offices and Restoring Profitability By: Michael L. Goldblatt Originally Published on Blumberg Blog Printed with the permission of and BlumbergExcelsior, Inc. About 2,500 years ago, Babylon's King Nebuchadnezzar laid siege to Jerusalem, destroyed its Temple, and exiled its citizens to Babylonia. Around 60 years later, Persia's King Cyrus conquered Babylon, to help your firm optimize profits and maintain well-being. About the Author Michael L. Goldblatt...

Document Solo and Small Practice Section, Resources

Making Remote Work Better with Apps

April 15, 2021

 Making Remote Work Better with Apps By: Michael L. Goldblatt Originally Published on Blumberg Blog Printed with the permission of and BlumbergExcelsior, Inc. About 15 years ago, Apple, Google, and Microsoft launched digital stores that enabled software developers to sell apps to consumers and professionals. Categories include communication, productivity, of California Author Michael L. Goldblatt has authored numerous books and articles about lawyer...

Document Solo and Small Practice Section, Resources

Keeping Clients Happy

Aug. 27, 2022

 Keeping Clients Happy By: Michael L. Goldblatt Originally Published on Blumberg Blog, August 22, 2022 Printed with the permission of Blumberg Blog and BlumbergExcelsior, Inc. About 100 years ago, Andre and Edouard Michelin introduced a three-star ranking system in their travel guides. Over the ensuing years, Michelin Guides became a top source for locating restaurants with outstanding cuisine and service. Lawyers can achieve similar distinction as top attorneys by providing excellent...

Document Solo and Small Practice, Solo and Small Practice Section, Resources

Marketing with QR Codes

Oct. 26, 2022

 Marketing with QR Codes By: Michael L. Goldblatt Originally Published on Blumberg Blog, October 11, 2022 Printed with the permission of Blumberg Blog and BlumbergExcelsior, Inc. Quick Response (QR) codes became popular during the Covid Pandemic to reduce physical contact. Restaurants began displaying QR codes on tables to enable diners to view menus on their smartphones. Other businesses began using QR Codes to enable contactless payments, downloading apps, linking websites...

Document Solo and Small Practice Section

Writing Better Letters

Aug. 27, 2018

 Writing Better Letters By: Michael L. Goldblatt 1 The history of letter writing began when Egyptians started using papyrus over 30,000 years ago. For thousands of years, letter writing was restricted to governments, merchants, and wealthy individuals. By the 1800's, letter writing finally became accessible to the masses with the spread of public education, availability of affordable wood, . Goldblatt posted at the Mr. Goldblatt has authored numerous books and articles...

Document Solo and Small Practice Section

Deciding Whether to Require Vaccinations

May 20, 2021

 Deciding Whether to Require Vaccinations By: Michael L. Goldblatt Originally Published on Blumberg Blog, May 18, 2021 Printed with the permission of and BlumbergExcelsior, Inc. Development of Coronav irus vaccines took off in January 2020 when its genetic sequence was published. Vaccine development usually takes several years, but Cov id-19 vaccines had a head start because of research underway when the pandemic began. Cov id-19 vaccinations began in December 2020...

Document Solo and Small Practice Section, Resources

Deciding Whether to Require Masks in Your Law Office

June 9, 2021

 Deciding Whether to Require Masks at Your Law Firm By: Michael L. Goldblatt Originally Published on Blumberg Blog, June 8, 2021 Printed with the permission of and BlumbergExcelsior, Inc. The Coronavirus introduced a new tradition of masking in April 2020 when the CDC recommended wearing masks to avoid infecting others and to protect wearers. Attitudes and regulations about mask wearing continue to evolve as the Covid-19 Pandemic winds down and offices reopen...

Document Solo and Small Practice Section, Resources

Construction Law Section Executive Committee Meeting Minutes, 2022.02.09

March 9, 2022

suggestions for event title by Friday. Address Steve Goldblatt and his contributions at the CLE...

Document Construction Law Section, Minutes

Construction Law Section Executive Committee Meeting Minutes, 2022.03.09

April 14, 2022

: Steve Goldblatt. Wants to get it up and running again; requests for articles. Article regarding CLE...

Document Construction Law Section, Minutes

Construction Law Section Executive Committee Meeting Minutes, 2020.12.09

Jan. 13, 2021

candidate. Cressman, Soelling and Goldblatt confirmed. Judge Andrus confirmed for Judicial Panel...

Document Construction Law Section, Minutes

Construction Law Section Executive Committee Meeting Minutes, 2020.11.11

Jan. 13, 2021

candidate. Cressman, Soelling and Goldblatt confirmed. Judge Andrus confirmed for Judicial Panel...

Document Construction Law Section, Minutes

Digitally Transforming Yourself and Your Firm

Dec. 18, 2019

 1 Digitally Transforming Yourself and Your Firm By: Michael L. Goldblatt Originally Published on Blumberg Blog Printed with the permission of and BlumbergExcelsior, Inc. Over the past 40 years there has been a Digital Transformation in the practice of law. The Transformation was facilitated by several innovations --- the introduction of the IBM PC in 1980, technical proficiency for yourself and your firm. About the Author Mr. Goldblatt has authored numerous...

Document Solo and Small Practice, Solo and Small Practice Section, Resources

Deciding Whether to Permanently Work Remote

April 8, 2021

 Deciding Whether to Permanently Work Remote By: Michael L. Goldblatt Originally Published on Blumberg Blog, April 6, 2021 Printed with the permission of and BlumbergExcelsior, Inc. About 10 percent of Americans worked from home before the Coronav irus situation forced most office workers to stay home. Many lawyers will continue working remotely after the Coronav irus, Association Author Michael L. Goldblatt has authored numerous books and articles about lawyer marketing...

Document Solo and Small Practice, Solo and Small Practice Section

When to Reopen

March 19, 2021

 Deciding When to Reopen Your Law Office By: Michael L. Goldblatt Originally Published on Blumberg Blog, 3/16/2021 Printed with the permission of and BlumbergExcelsior, Inc. A widespread return to offices probably will not occur until the September 2021 when enough people have been vaccinated to achieve herd immunity. Meantime, following is a list of things to consider when selecting a date for reopening your office. Following the list are additional resources...

Document Resources, Solo and Small Practice Section

Introducing The Washington Construction Law Deskbook: Construction Law Section Annual Seminar

June 1, 2018

- King County Superior Court, Seattle Jason Piskel - Piskel Yahne Kovarik, Spokane Steve Goldblatt...

Event Construction Law Section, Construction Law, CLE, CLE
21 to 40 of 53 results