Governors Get their Hands Dirty
It was part of their initiative to incorporate community service as they meet across the state through the fiscal year. Later, the Board held a business meeting for the first time at the University of Washington School of Law.
Pictured at the service project (from left) are WSBA Gov. Matthew Dresden, Director of Advancement Kevin Plachy, Chief Disciplinary Counsel Doug Ende, Gov. Todd Bloom, Gov. Francis Adewale, Gov. Kristina Larry, Chief Communications and Outreach Officer Sara Niegowski, a UW volunteer coordinator (behind), and Executive Administrator Shelly Bynum.
The service project kicked off a historical milestone: For the first time recent history, the Board of Governors held a business meeting at a law school. Despite their various alma maters, Board members all showed some love to the purple and gold, taking the opportunity to connect with the University of Washington School of Law faculty and staff.
Pictured (from left): Gov. Kristina Larry, Gov. Tom Ahearne (front), Gov. Jordan Couch, Gov. Matthew Dresden, Pres. Hunter Abell, President-Elect Sunitha Anjilvel, Gov. Kari Petrasek, Gov. Todd Bloom, Executive Director Terra Nevitt, Immediate-Past President Dan Clark, Treasurer Francis Adewale, and Gov. Kevin Fay.
Dean Tamara Lawson with WSBA President Hunter Abell.