Nov. 13, 2018
Washington State Bar Association, 1325 Fourth Ave., Suite 600
Seattle , WA
This interactive discussion is intended to bring LGBT Law Section members together across the state to brainstorm and discuss key legal issues affecting the LGBT community and the legal professionals serving them and identify challenges and obstacles affecting attorney mental health and work-life balance. With the backdrop of recent studies on diversity in the legal profession and challenges facing the LGBT community, this CLE will strive to answer the following questions:
The CLE will include both small-group discussions and large-group analysis, with separate groups meeting in Seattle and Spokane and video conferencing available between the two groups. The goal of the CLE is to identify overlap among the different subject areas, identify key topics to include in future educational programs (including a planned future CLE on work-life balance), identify unmet legal needs, and determine ways in which the Section can better serve its members in addressing these issues.
More information and registration.
This program is also be presented in Spokane. More information and registration.