Sept. 24, 2019
Washington State Bar Association, 1325 Fourth Ave., Suite 600
Seattle , WA
There is a pervasive mythology that negotiation requires leverage, power, threats, logic, and “take-it-or-leave” hard-bargaining.
This despite years of empirical data on negotiation and human psychology showing just the opposite: that truly effective negotiation depends not on power but on people; not on positions but on principals; not on blame but on valuing the other side, not just in some warm and fuzzy sense, shrewdly accessing what actually makes the other side tick. Spoiler alert: persuasion rarely involves just the law and facts but always involves people and their perceptions.
In the end, we come full circle realizing, paradoxically, that the surest way to meeting our interests is to start with the other side’s interests and their perceptions.
In Myth v. Reality: Common Misconceptions about Negotiation our expert panel shares insight, advice, and war stories to help you separate negotiation myth from reality.
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