"We shouldn’t lose good people from the bench because of a lack of help."
King County District Court Judge Charles Delaurenti II

The purpose of the Judicial Assistance Service Program (JASP) is to prevent or alleviate problems before they jeopardize a judicial officer’s career. We provide open-minded confidential support for judges struggling with stress, mental health issues, addiction, medical illness, or the loss of a loved one or any other issue that impacts your work. We also work with judges who are seeking peer support or are considering retirement. If you are a judge or work with a judge and have concerns for yourself or them, you are encouraged to contact the Judicial Assistance Service Program for a confidential phone consultation.

  • We can educate you about mental health symptoms or signs of addiction.  
  • Our peer counselors are judges who have been trained to provide supportive, confidential communication with the judge in question. 
  • We can provide referrals for psychologists and mental health therapists, throughout the state of Washington and can make recommendations if pursuing psychiatric or other medical care may be helpful in your pursuit of wellness. 
  • We can give you advice about communicating with the judge and handling the situation. 
  • When contacting a judge in our program for support, we do not name the initial caller, so the concerned caller’s identity is also protected. We are not connected to the Commission on Judicial Conduct.  We do not share our information with the Office of Disciplinary Counsel.

The program is comprised of compassionate judges and exists to help and problem solve with you. If you are a judge interested in serving the mental health needs of judges in Washington and want to join JASP, we encourage you to contact us!

When you reach out to the Judicial Assistance Service Program, you will first talk directly with our clinical consultant, Dr. Susanna N. Kanther, a licensed clinical health psychologist practicing in Bellevue. Her clinic can be reached at 415-572-3803. This number is intended for all inquiries, referrals, administrative needs, and general questions. Please Call Dr. Kanther/JASP directly.