Pro Bono and Public Service

To deliver on the Washington State Bar Association's mission of serving the public and the members of the Bar, ensuring the integrity of the legal profession, and championing justice, the Bar seeks to enhance the culture of service and offer the following menu of pro bono and public service opportunities. 

Pro Bono Benefits and Toolkit

Find out more about model pro bono policies, earning MCLE credit for volunteering, changing to Pro Bono Status (formerly Emeritus Status), and RPC 6.1. 


Find legal aid opportunities and services needed during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Pro Bono Programs and Organizations

WSBA partners with law schools and legal organizations across the state to promote pro bono service and reduce barriers to volunteering.

Pro Bono WA is the most comprehensive directory of pro bono organizations in Washington. Visit find pro bono organizations across the state, view pro-bono related events, and more. 

Moderate Means Program

The Moderate Means Program is a statewide referral program that connects clients who do not qualify for free legal help but can't afford to pay full price for legal services with legal professionals who offer assistance at reduced rates scaled to the client's income. 

Join the Moderate Means ProgramTake an unemployment, housing, consumer or family law case at a reduced rate and help close the access to justice gap for moderate income households (200%–400% Federal Poverty Level). 

Apply for reduced rate legal services: For more information on eligibility requirements and applying for legal services through the program, please visit the Moderate Means Program client page.

Qualified Legal Services Providers (QLSPs)

Qualified Legal Service Providers are nonprofit legal service organizations dedicated to serving low income individuals and families in Washington.

Become a QLSP: Learn how to become a QLSP and the benefits you can offer to staff and volunteers.  

Volunteer with a QLSP: Learn about the benefits to volunteering with a QLSP, including MCLE credit for pro bono service, access to free WSBA CLEs, fee waivers for Pro Bono Status members, and free WSBA Deskbook subscriptions through Fastcase. 

QLSP Directory: A complete list of QLSPs in Washington State.

Alliance for Equal Justice

The Washington State Bar Association is a member of the Alliance for Equal Justice, which is a network of Washington State organizations that work together in a collaborative way to coordinate strategy and delivery of civil legal aid to people and communities that experience poverty and injustice. Learn more about the Alliance.

The circle of the Alliance for Equal Justice is made up of three intersecting circles entitled: