Affinity Bar Association Statements in Solidarity with Black Lives
Northwest Indian Bar Association
Pierce County Minority Bar Association
Seattle Chinese Bar Association
Slavic Bar Association of Washington
South Asian Bar Association of Washington
Spokane County Bar Association Diversity Section
Vietnamese American Bar Association of Washington
Washington Attorneys with Disabilities Association
Judicial Evaluation Committee Representatives
Regional Affinity Bar Associations
Asian Bar Association of Washington
The Asian Bar Association of Washington (ABAW) is a professional association of attorneys, judges, law professors, and law students who are interested and involved in matters of concern to the bar and Asian Pacific American community in Washington. For more information, or to join ABAW, please contact:
Jordan Wada, President
David Tran Immediate Past President
The Cardozo Society
The Seattle Cardozo Society is a society for Jewish attorneys. The Society sponsors programs that integrate legal and Jewish concerns to demonstrate the unique contributions the legal profession can make to improve the Jewish community. Programs sponsored by the society are open to all attorneys and their guest and to others who share common goals or interest. For more information, or to join The Cardozo Society, please contact
Aric Bomsztyk, Co-Chair
Jenna R. Goltermann, Co-Chair
Filipino Lawyers of Washington
The Filipino Lawyers of Washington (FLOW) is a professional association of lawyers in the Filipino community dedicated to fostering the exchange of ideas and information
among and between its members and other members of the legal profession, the judiciary and the community; promoting the professional growth of its members; assisting in efforts to diversify the legal profession; cooperating with other organizations
of minority attorneys; celebrating Filipino culture; and providing a vehicle and forum for the expression of opinions and positions about current social, political, economic, legal or other matters or events that concern the members of the association.
For more information, or to join FLOW, please contact
Cheryl Farrish, President
Odette Polintan, President Elect
Eric De Los Santos, Immediate Past President
Korean American Bar Association of Washington
The mission of the Korean American Bar Association of Washington (KABA) is to provide professional development, networking and mentorship opportunities to its members and serve the community as a resource by hosting professional, educational, and community events. KABA is committed to leadership, community, and service. For more information, or to join KABA, please email
Jenny Goak, President
Latina/Latino Bar Association of Washington
Formerly the Hispanic Bar of Washington, the purpose of the Latina/Latino Bar Association of Washington (LBAW) is to represent the concerns and goals of Latina/o people of the State of Washington. Membership is available to attorneys, judicial officers, law faculty, legal staff, and students. For general information, or to join LBAW, please contact
Andre Dayani, President
Zaida Rivera, President Elect
Tyler Quillin, Immediate Past President
Loren Miller Bar Association
The Loren Miller Bar Association is an affiliate member of the National Bar Association whose purpose is the advancement of the social and economic well-being of its largely African-American membership; improving relations between the legal profession and the community at large; promoting understanding, goodwill and cooperation among lawyers and the interests of the legal profession; aiding in reforms for the economic and social welfare of all people in a manner consistent with the principles of a free democratic society; and improving the educational, social and economic status of the African-American community to eliminate discrimination. For more information, or to join LMBA, please contact:
Sadie Houston, President
Darrah Hinton, President Elect
Noe Merfeld, Immediate Past President
Mother Attorneys Mentoring Association of Seattle
MAMA Seattle is an organization dedicated to empowering attorney mothers and facilitating their success in the legal profession. MAMA Seattle hosts monthly networking events and brown bag lunches and maintains an active listserv, which serves as a valuable resource to members. The brown bag lunches feature panel presentations of particular interest to mother attorneys, addressing topics such marketing, business development, as re-entry into the legal market, time management, and work life balance. MAMA Seattle's networking events, which members attend with their children, provide a venue for mother attorneys to network, socialize, and problem solve in a supportive and child-friendly environment. For more information, or to join MAMA Seattle, please contact
Lara Hruska, President
Theresa DeMonte, Vice President
Kasey Heuber, Immediate Past President
Northwest Indian Bar Association
The Northwest Indian Bar Association (NIBA) is an organization of Indian attorneys and judges in Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, Washington, British Columbia and the Yukon Territory, which aspires to improve the legal and political landscape for the Pacific Northwest Indian community. For more information, or to join NIBA, please contact:
Jessica Roberts, President
Charisse Arce, Vice President
Anthony Jones, Immediate Past President
Pierce County Minority Bar Association
The purpose of the Pierce County Minority Bar Association is to facilitate professional development and relationships among the various minority attorneys and legal professionals who reside or practice in Pierce County. It also seeks to foster diversity in the legal community and serve as a conscience of Pierce County minority communities on legal issues affecting them. For more information, or to join PCMBA, please contact the president and treasurer listed below.
Katherine Kameron, President
Keith Armstrong, Treasurer
Desiree Hosannah, Immediate Past President
QLaw – The LGBT Bar Association
The LGBT Bar Association of Washington, affectionately known as "QLaw," is an association of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) legal professionals and their friends, serving as a voice for LGBT lawyers on issues relating to diversity and equality in the legal profession, in the courts, and under the law. To join QLaw, please contact (membership inquiries only). For more information, please contact:
Jeremy Walker, President
Peder Punsalan-Teigen, President Elect
Dana Savage, Immediate Past President
Seattle Chinese Bar Association
The Seattle Chinese Bar Association (SCBA) is a non-profit professional association of attorneys, law students, and other legal professionals in the Chinese community. SCBA is dedicated to facilitating and cultivating professional and personal relationships among its members and the community by fostering the exchange of ideas and information. To learn more, please visit their website.
Qian (Sophie) Ying, President
Yanfei (Faye) Wang, Vice President
Slavic Bar Association of Washington
The Slavic Bar Association of Washington (SBAW) is a professional association of legal practitioners and law students with ties to or interests in Slavic cultures and languages. SBAW is organized exclusively for charitable and educational purposes: to support members of the Bar and law students with Slavic ties; to educate others about Slavic ethnicity, culture, history, and people; to aid the Slavic community and those within it aspiring to enter the legal field. For more information, or to join SBAW, please contact:
Barry J. Wallis, President
South Asian Bar Association of Washington
The South Asian Bar Association of Washington (SABAW) is an organization of South Asian legal professionals in the Northwest dedicated to providing access to legal resources and support for issues relevant to the South Asian community. SABAW is also committed to identifying and advancing the areas where economic, social and political interests intersect with South Asian legal issues. Finally, SABAW serves as a liaison between South Asian legal professionals and the legal community at large. For more information, or to join SABAW, please contact
Ishir Mehta, President
Pooja Faldu Dave, Immediate Past President
Spokane County Bar Association Diversity Section
Like our state’s official MBAs, the Spokane Diversity Section is committed to promoting inclusiveness through focusing on recruitment and retention of attorneys of color and diverse ethnic background.
Vietnamese American Bar Association of Washington
The Vietnamese American Bar Association of Washington is a legal society which was formed in 2005 for Vietnamese American attorneys, law students and friends who share its common vision. VABAW strives for legal excellence by facilitating and cultivating both professional and personal relationships among its members, the community and the judiciary. VABAW's goal is to provide mutual support for attorneys in the advancement of their careers, be a trusted guide and resource for students who aspire towards the legal profession, serve as a voice for the local Vietnamese American community, and represent Vietnamese American attorneys within the State Bar. For more information, or to join VABAW, please contact the 2024 president listed below:
Joanne Kalas, Immediate Past President
Washington Attorneys with Disabilities Association
The Washington Attorneys with Disabilities Association is a minority bar association serving as the voice of attorneys and law students with disabilities in the state of Washington. WADA’s mission is to promote the meaningful inclusion of people with disabilities throughout the legal profession; to eliminate the barriers to inclusion in the legal profession experienced by people with disabilities; and to promote the careers and professional development of WADA’s membership through mentorship, networking, alliances, and cultivation of a strong and vibrant community. Visit the WADA website or join us on the WADA list serve for more information about WADA activities. For more information, or to join WADA, please contact:
Jonathan Ko, President
Conrad Reynoldson, Immediate Past President
Washington State Veterans Bar Association
The Washington State Veterans Bar Association is a networking organization for attorneys and law students who have served in the United States Armed Forces. We are a non-partisan and veteran-centric organization. We seek to provide a voice for the 650,000 veterans of Washington State and address legal, political, and social issues facing veterans. For more information, or to join WSVBA, please visit our website or contact:
Gavriel Jacobs, President
Thomas G. Jarrard, Immediate Past President
Washington Women Lawyers
Washington Women Lawyers is Washington's largest organization dedicated to furthering the full integration of women in the legal profession and promoting equal rights and opportunities for women. Through the combined resources of a statewide organization and a network of local chapters, Washington Women Lawyers offers programming and support for women lawyers throughout the state. For more information, or to join WWL, please visit our website or contact
Quinn Dalan, President
Amanda Gamble, President Elect
Dua Abudiab, Immediate Past President