WSBA MentorLink connects members to a variety of mentoring opportunities organized by local bar associations, practice area or type, cultural or community affiliation, and other organizations and WSBA programs.

The listings below are not exhaustive; we will make ongoing updates to the listings and links on this page. Please send updates, corrections, and suggestions to

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Geographic Location

(County bar associations)

Adams County Bar Association

Mentoring type: Informal
Events: No
Mentor list: No
Contact: Steven Sackmann,

Benton and Franklin Counties Bar Association
Mentoring type: Informal
Events: Monthly bar meetings third Tuesday of month
Mentor list: No
Contact: Jennifer Azure,

Clark County Bar Association
Mentoring type: Formal
Events: Social, fun, and networking events
Mentor list: No
Contact: Arin Dunn,

East King County Bar Association
Mentoring type: Informal 
Events: No
Mentor list: No (has member directory which can be sorted by Referral Area)
Contact: Contact specific referral listed in legal area of interest

Jefferson County Bar Association 
Mentoring Type: Informal
Events: Monthly Bar Meetings (every second Thursday of each month)
List of Mentors: No
Mentoring Contact: Rafael Urquia,

Lewis County Bar Association
Mentoring type: Informal
Events: Bar meetings (see calendar); annual summer social
Mentor list: No
Contact: Jennifer Groberg,

Okanogan County Bar Association
Mentoring type: Informal
Events: Bar meetings (first Tuesday of month)
Mentor list: In development
Contact: Candice Cochran,

Pacific County Bar Association
Mentoring type: Informal
Events: Occasional bar meetings
Mentor list: No
Contact: Elizabeth Penoyar,

Skagit County Bar Association
Mentoring type: Informal; program in development with Volunteer Lawyer Program
Events: TBD
Mentor list: No
Contact: John A. Shultz,

South King County Bar Association
Mentoring type: Informal
Events: Monthly meetings (see calendar)
Mentor list: In development

Spokane County Bar Association
Mentoring type: Formal (in development)
Events: Varies (see calendar)
Mentor list: In development
Contact: Kristina Ralls,

Stevens County Bar Association
Mentoring type: Informal
Events: Bar Meetings and CLE Seminars
Mentor list: No
Contact: Mathew Enzler,

Tacoma-Pierce County Bar Association
Mentoring type: Formal (under development)
Events: (unknown)
Mentor list: TBD
Contact: Wendy Zicht,

Walla Walla County Bar Association
Mentoring type: Informal
Events: New-attorney meetups (periodic)
Mentor list: No
Contact: N/A

Practice Area or Type

(Specialty bar associations and sections)

American Immigration Lawyers Association - WA Chapter
Mentoring type: Formal (via New Member Division and Chapters)
Events: Brown bag CLEs, happy hours, lunches, and other gatherings
Mentor list: Yes 
Contact: Brad Brown,

Washington State Association for Justice
Mentoring type: Formal 
Events: Series of small group Q&A events;
Regular roundtable meetings by county
Mentor list: Yes
Contact: Sheila Thomsen,

Washington Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers
Mentoring type: Informal (second chair and one-on-one)
Events: Seminars, list serves and committee work
Mentor list: Yes
Contact: or call 206-623-1302

Washington State Society of Health Care Attorneys
Mentoring type: Informal
Events: Conferences, seminars, and networking receptions
Mentor list: No

WSBA Sections
Offer list serves, seminars, publications, and/or networking opportunities. Some sections also offer formal mentoring opportunities or are open to helping mentees find help via informal means. More formal/structured offerings include:

WSBA Litigation Section
Mentoring type : Formal 
Mentoring contact: Shane Seaman (for mentors),; or  Sydney Safley (for mentees),

WSBA Low Bono Section
Mentoring type: Coffee House Mentoring Program (CHAMP) monthly small-group sessions
Mentoring contact: Mark Baumann,

Cultural or Community Affiliations

(Minority bar associations and programs)

ABA Commission on Disability Rights - Mentor Program
Mentoring type: Formal
Events: N/A  
Mentor list: Yes 
Contact: Patrick Dennis,

The Asian Bar Association of Washington (ABAW)
Mentoring type: Formal
Events: Quarterly meetings for members
Mentor list: Yes
Contact: Phil Chu, 

Korean American Bar Association of Washington
Mentoring type: Formal
Events: Mentorship kickoff and end-of-year social
Mentors list: Yes
Contact: Christine Lee,

Lawyer's Committee for Civil Rights Under the Law
Judicial Diversity Program

Mentoring type: Formal
Events: Related to program 
Mentor list: Yes

The LGBT Bar Association of Washington (QLaw) 
Mentoring type: Formal 
Events: Meet & Greet Cocktail Hour for matched mentors/mentees;
Other networking events
Mentor list : Yes
Contact :  Kellen Hade,  

Loren Miller Bar Association
Mentoring type: Formal
Events: Related to program
Mentor list: No
Contact: Raina Wagner,

Mother Attorneys Mentoring Association of Seattle (MAMA Seattle)
Mentoring type: Formal
Events: Receptions for mentor/mentee matches
Mentor list: Yes

Slavic Bar Association of Washington (SBAW)
Mentoring type: Informal (mostly Puget Sound)
Events: Periodic social events for networking and mentoring
Mentor list: No

The South Asian Bar Association of Washington (SABAW)
Mentoring type: Formal
Events: Speed Networking event(s) in development
Mentor list: Yes
Contacts: Rania Rampersad,

The Vietnamese American Bar Association of Washington (VABAW)
Mentoring type: Formal (mostly Western Washington)
Events: Networking events In development
Mentor list: No
Contact: Nancy Pham, 

The Washington Attorneys with Disabilities Association (WADA)
Mentoring type: Informal
Events: No
Mentor list: No
Contact: Jonathan Ko,

Law School Opportunities

The Alumni Services Office of your law school may be able to connect you to a fellow alum in your area and/or help locate an available mentor. 

Gonzaga School of Law Alumni Services

Gonzaga School of Law  Solo Practice Incubator Program —  This 12-month program partners a seasoned attorney with a recent law school graduate to help them build a solo practice with a particular emphasis on practicing Elder Law in Spokane.

Seattle University School of Law Alumni Services

Seattle University Low Bono Incubator Program — Mentorship and 12 months of support for four new alumni, helping them create sustainable, successful low bono law practices. A low bono practice is built around serving clients of moderate means by offering reduced-fee legal services. For further questions, contact atji@seattleu.eduThis program is MCLE-Accredited. 

University of Washington Law Mentor Programs

Public Service/Pro Bono Focus

Public service programs and clinics are another way to gain access to mentorship, while gaining hands-on experience. You can earn MCLE credit for providing pro bono legal services through a qualified legal service provider (QLSP).

Benefits Law Center
Mentoring Type: Formal and Informal
Mentor List: No
Events: Yes

LAW Advocates
Mentoring Type: Formal and Informal
Mentor List: No
Events: No
Contact: Nikki D'Onofrio,

Lavender Rights Project
Mentoring Type: Informal
Mentor List: No
Events: Yes

Snohomish County Legal Services
Mentoring Type: Formal and Informal
Mentor List: Yes
Events: Yes
Contact: Adele Gavin,

Spokane County Bar Association
Mentoring Type: Formal and Informal
Mentor List: In progress
Events: Yes
Contact: 509-477-6123 or

Thurston County Volunteer Legal Services
Mentoring Type: Formal
Contact: Bonnie Aslagson, or 360-890-4954
TCVLS provides legal advice and representation to low-income clients on a variety of civil legal issues. Volunteer attorneys can gain experience in a new area of law by taking on full- or limited-scope pro bono representation of TCVLS clients, and TCVLS will match volunteers with mentor attorneys who are experienced in that area of practice. Mentors and mentees can report their pro bono hours for MCLE credits.

Wayfind/Nonprofit Assistance Center
Mentoring Type: Formal
Mentor List: No
Events: Yes
Contact: Brenda Tausch Lapora,

WSBA Call to Duty
Volunteers commit to serving Washington veterans. WSBA provides access to tools, resources, and more experienced attorneys. Volunteers may also commit to mentor others who take pro bono cases that serve veterans.

WSBA Moderate Means
The WSBA Moderate Means Program is currently recruiting attorneys to accept free referrals for reduced-fee work in family, housing, and consumer law cases. Volunteers gain increased access to mentoring and peer support opportunities.

Volunteer Opportunities through Local Providers

For information about additional bar associations and legal organizations that may not have a mentoring opportunity listed here, please visit the Legal Community pages.