Small Town and Rural Committee Meeting


June 16, 2022


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the Washington State Bar Association, that a Small Town and Rural Committee meeting will be held on:

Date: Thursday, June 16, 2022
Time: Noon–2 p.m. 
Location: Via Zoom

Meetings will be conducted by video and teleconference only due to Washington state and King County emergency orders regarding public health amid the COVID-19 pandemic. All committee members may participate via video and conference call. In addition, video conference and call-in instructions are pasted below for members of the public who would like to attend remotely.

The purpose of the meeting is for the committee to discuss, deliberate, and take potential final action regarding the following agenda items (no final disposition regarding any matter will occur at the meeting except as indicated on this notice): 


1. Introductions, May Meeting Recaps, and Approval of May Meeting Minutes (Gov. Abell)
2. WSBA Updates (Gov. Abell and Julianne Unite)
3. Subcommittee Report Updates
    a. Community, Education, and Outreach (Kari Petrasek, Chair)
    b. Pipeline Placement Program (Laurie Powers, Chair) 
    c. Job Opportunities and Clearinghouse (Betsy Penoyar, Chair)
4. STAR Committee Strategic Plan Phase I Update and Action Items
5. Bar News Article Update (Allison Foreman) 
6. Other Business
7. Next Steps/ Conclusion 
8. Adjournment 

Meeing Materials Packet

Reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities will be provided upon request. Please email or call 206.727.8258.

Note: Discussion and action may be taken on any item on the agenda. The time and order of agenda items are subject to change at the discretion of the committee chair.
