Washington Young Lawyers Committee Meeting


Jan. 8, 2022


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the Washington State Bar Association that Washington Young Lawyers Committee meeting will be held on:

Date: Saturday, Jan. 8, 2022 

Time:  Noon–2:30 p.m. 

Location: Virtual via Zoom 

The purpose of the meeting is for the committee to discuss, deliberate, and take potential final action regarding the following agenda items (no final disposition regarding any matter will occur at the meeting except as indicated on this notice): 


  1. Welcome & Approval of November Meeting Minutes
  2. Non-Icebreaker Style Brief Introductions Group Discussion
  3. Board of Governors Liaison Update 
  4. WSBA Updates
  5. ABA Midyear Meeting Overview, Events, Details
  6. Project Lead Updates (If Any); Revisiting Logistics
  7. Roundtable Discussion: Kim K. Passed the Baby Bar!
  8. Ideas for Virtual/Hybrid Engagement with Law Students
  9. Ideas for [Legit Cool] Virtual/Hybrid WYLC Social Events 
  10. Feedback/Topic Ideas for Next Meeting Agenda
  11. Closing Remarks & Adjournment

Meeting Materials Packet

Reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities will be provided upon request.  Please email julianneu@wsba.org or call 206.727.8258.

All in-person attendees, including but not limited to WSBA Staff, Volunteers and members of the public must meet the requirements of the WSBA's Vaccination Policy. All attendees at in-person events and gatherings will be required to wear a mask, and provide proof of vaccination from COVID-19; or provide proof of a negative PCR COVID test within the past 72 hours. 

Note: Discussion and action may be taken on any item on the agenda. The time and order of agenda items are subject to change at the discretion of the committee chair.

More Information:

