Washington Young Lawyers Committee New and Young Lawyer Social
Sept. 12, 2020
The Washington Young Lawyers Committee (WYLC) cordially invites WSBA members (both new and experienced) and law students to mix and mingle with new lawyers, honor this year's WYLC award recipients, and celebrate the work of outgoing WYLC members.
This event will be held virtually, immediately following the Washington Young Lawyer Committee's September meeting.
Instructions for video conference: You may join the meeting via video conference by going to https://wsba.zoom.us/j/92882543597. Follow the prompts to download and launch Zoom. When a window pops up to "Join with Computer Audio", you may join by computer audio or by phone. If joining by phone, follow the instructions by calling 1-888-788-0099 (toll free), enter meeting I.D. 928 8254 3597, and enter participant I.D. (unique number assigned to you when you join the Zoom meeting).
Instructions for public call-in: You may join the meeting via conference call by calling 1-888-788-0099 (toll free), and entering access code 928 8254 3597. You are not required to state your name to join this meeting. If the conference call provider message asks that you state your name or participant ID, you may press #, without stating your name, and you will be connected to the meeting. Committee members will be required to state their name in order to establish quorum.
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