Updated: Dec. 5, 2023

The Member Wellness Program is a resource for members seeking to enhance their self care and overall life satisfaction in a variety of ways. The Member Wellness Program considers self care an essential element of a successful legal career. Explore our resources for both helping you focus on your job and for helping you to take a break from it.

Information on Self Care Topics


Procrastination can be a serious issue for lawyers and have a significant impact on their productivity and competency.

Healthy Boundaries

Developing healthy boundaries with clients can be one of the more effective ways lawyers can take care of themselves.


Maintaining a healthy lifestyle can help ensure all areas of your life are thriving.

Article: Staying Healthy on the Road

Attention Deficit Disorder

Organization, planning, and time management can be extremely challenging for lawyers with ADD.

Article: (Courtesy of the Oregon Attorney Assistance Program): Getting Handle on ADHD (PDF)

Compassion Fatigue

Compassion Fatigue can cause a psychologically harmful effect of an attorney’s work.